Whitehouse Weasels Feel The Byrne: Sidney Powell Appointed As Trump’s Special Counsel, Swamp Stonewalls

Pat Cipollone, Chief Counsel to President Donald Trump and A Weasel

Patrick Byrne was in the oval office with The President during the meeting on December 18th.  Also with him were General Michael Flynn and Attorney Sidney Powell.  In an interview with ex-marine Pete Santilli that begins around the 2:16:00 mark, the former Overstock CEO described the meeting as tense and frustrating.  It is very clear to Flynn, Byrne, and Powell that much of The President’s cabinet is not acting in the best interest of The President, or the United States.

Patrick Byrne, Founder Overstock.com

“At one point it got so heated that Pat Cipollone,” threw a tantrum and dared President Trump to make Sidney Powell his special counsel instead of him because he got tired of being proven incompetent for 4 hours by Powell, Byrne, and Flynn.  “Just say it!” he belligerently said, like a child stomping his feet on the ground.

Pat Cipollone, we assume, is a grown man who is intimidated by his betters.  Byrne claims he is a “fucking weasel” eagerly waiting to get paid 10x more money in the private sector when he leaves the Whitehouse.  He also claims that Cipollone is responsible for leaking lies to leftist Maggie Haberman at the New York Times about the president to the public regarding invoking Marshal Law.

Sidney Powell, on the other hand, is a strong woman who is not intimidated by anyone. She is the leader that President Trump absolutely needs right now if he is to have any chance of righting the massive injustice of the 2020 election.

Sidney Powell and General Michael Flynn


At one point, after giving excuses to Trump for hours about why they wouldn’t defend Trump properly or investigate the massive 2020 election fraud, Trump Finally had enough according to Byrne.  “Ya know what, Pat: at least these people want to fight for me.” Powell, Flynn, and Byrne had plenty of winning options for Trump throughout the meeting. “I hereby make Sidney Powell the Whitehouse Special Counsel…Sidney Powell now has a Top Secret clearance.” Trump then gave the order to Meadows and Cipollone to give the clearance to Powell.

Instead, Meadows and Cipollone barred Powell from the Whitehouse, denying her the Top Secret clearance the next morning and refusing to execute Trump’s orders.

Byrne also said that The President’s current counsel is blocking the forensic analyses of the voting machines and servers around the country.  “All of this could be resolved” by the new year, easily, said Byrne.  Yet, the Whitehouse leadership stonewalls Donald Trump.  If Trump removes his feckless leaders, Mark Meadows and Pat Cipollone, Byrne says Trump has better than an 80% chance of success.  If not, “less than 40%”.


Mr. President: Fire these “f-cking weasels!”





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