Yesterday, The New York Times, in a complete act of cowardice and liberal activism released an op-ed by an unidentified source who claimed to be a “senior” member of the Trump administration. Not surprisingly, the op-ed was highly critical of President Trump and was clearly designed to harm his reputation as a leader of the free world. As usual, the New York Times made the decision to put their own leftist agenda before the good of our nation, using an op-ed that could have been written by an intern for all we know, and given the New York Times desire to bury President Trump with constant negative coverage, there’s a high likelihood it was written by an internal source.
President Trump hit back in a scathing video he posted on Twitter after the New York Times op-ed was published. Trump slammed CNN and New York Times as “phony outfits”, claiming that after he’s no longer President, “in about 6 1/2 years”. He also reminded everyone that the New York Times was forced to apologize to their readers after he won the election. To much applause by law enforcement officers who were present at the White House during Trump’s response to the New York Times anonymous op-ed, Trump exclaimed that “nobody is gonna come close to beating me in 2020 because of what we’ve done.”
The Failing New York Times!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2018
Today, the usually reserved First Lady, Melania Trump joined in the fight against the New York Times’ cowardly use of an anonymous source in their op-ed that attempted to discredit her husband.
“To the writer of the op-ed — you are not protecting this country; you are sabotaging it with your cowardly actions,” she said in a Thursday statement provided to CNN. She preceded her declaration on the op-ed with a lengthy condemnation of anonymous sources generally.
“Unidentified sources have become the majority of the voices people hear about in today’s news. People with no names are writing our nation’s history. If a person is bold enough to accuse people of negative actions, they have a responsibility to publicly stand by their words and people have a right to defend themselves,” she explained. –Daily Caller