The event is called “Cocks Not Glocks” so that should give you a clue of how ridiculous this protest is. The funny thing is the woman who is organizing the protest wants donations to pay for the sex toys. Why can’t these people pay for their own d*mn sex toy! Only a liberal would give the reason below for the protest because it’s so vague and flimsy with no concrete answer…just symbolism. Too funny:

Jin told the Houston Chronicle in an interview that she chose the sex toy as “it spotlights the masturbatory nature of the power which people derive from gun ownership, and the self aggrandizing ‘I’m one of the good ones, I’ll protect you’ arguments we’re so often expected to simply trust.”

University of Texas at Austin students plan to carry dildos around campus next year in protest of recent legislation that allows concealed carry permit holders to carry their firearms to public colleges’ campuses.

According to a public Facebook event page, the students will wield their sex toys on August 24, 2016 — the first day of classes. The contentious legislation signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in June is set to go into effect for the 2016 school year and allows individuals who possess a concealed carry permit to bring their firearms to campus although university presidents are able to make “reasonable” regulations.

“The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however it does have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence,” the event description reads. “You would receive a citation for taking a dildo to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class. Heaven forbid the penis.”

The event description makes the claim that bringing the sex toy around campus is “about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters” but are “much safer for recreational play.”

Jessica Jin, the organizer of the protest and UT alumna, wrote on the group’s event page that she will attempt to find a “sponsor” to help cover the costs of the sex toys if enough people are interested in the protest.

By Sunday afternoon, the Facebook event boasted more than 1,700 attendees — a little more than 36 hours since Jin, 24, created the page.

Supporters of the protests have promoted the event on social media with the hashtag “#CocksNotGlocks.”
Jin told the Houston Chronicle in an interview that she chose the sex toy as “it spotlights the masturbatory nature of the power which people derive from gun ownership, and the self aggrandizing ‘I’m one of the good ones, I’ll protect you’ arguments we’re so often expected to simply trust.”

Via: The Blaze


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