A guest post by Joe Brandis of Michigan Conservatives For Election Integrity (MC4EI).

Why I’m choosing Matt DePerno over Kristina Karamo for MI-GOP State Chair.

Kristina Karamo and Matt DePerno

I have been involved for many years in GOP politics. I am a delegate to the state convention Feb 18th in Lansing.  I have been a delegate since 2010 and on the Oakland County Executive Committee, a Trump National Delegate. My wife and I have organized the volunteers for two Trump rallies and spent countless hours supporting various candidates for office. Our roots lie in the Conservative/TeaParty movement. Like many fellow Patriots, we are tired of losing and look forward to this important opportunity to elect new leadership for the MI-GOP.

There are many running for this position, but for me, it has always been about Matt DePerno and Kristina Karamo. In the past election, I worked hard to get them both elected and financially supported both candidates (I gave much more to Kristina.)

When DePerno initially announced, I was very happy, and then sometime later, Karamo threw her hat in the ring. I would have been ecstatic if the two would have run as a team, but it wasn’t meant to be. So I have to make a decision. Having been in Industrial Sales my whole career, it comes down to a business decision. I am treating this as a hiring decision and whom I believe can best deliver results for our party. Indeed, this is a well-paid position of around $150,000+. I am not going to trash either candidate because I believe they both have a unique skill set that would serve the MI-GOP well. Here is my analysis of how the two are very much alike and then why I think it tilts in favor of Matt DePerno.

How the two are similar.

  • Both ran for statewide office.
  • Put together statewide campaigns, attended events, and raised money.
  • Both have shown that they can stand up and fight entrenched bureaucrats and Michigan Democrat leadership.
  • Both were endorsed in their respective races by President Trump
  • Personally saw them both deliver great speeches at Trump Rallies, standing next to Trump. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been.
  • Both took on the establishment to win the nomination at April 2022 State preference election in Grand Rapids. 
  • They can call President Trump, and he will answer.

Here are some reasons why I think DePerno has the edge.

    • He is an attorney, and we could use some expertise in fighting the Dems. He has gone to court in support of election integrity.
    • President Trump has only endorsed one race for State GOP Chair in the U.S., and that is Matt DePerno.

  • Trump is running in 2024 and has made the decision that DePerno can be the most effective.
  • Mike Lindell has also endorsed DePerno. Trump and DePerno could be part of the funding solution that MI-GOP will be facing.
  • DePerno ran a small business.
  • In his A.G. race, he raised 6 million dollars.
  • I believe that Soldano will be a strong Vice Chair. He has run a statewide campaign and has an extensive list of donors.

In the end, I believe our next chair needs to be able to put together a strong team to help guide our party. The ability to fundraise is going to be critical to getting out the message and electing Republicans in 2024. The Chair must be able to stand up and deliver a strong message and take the fight to the Democrats. 

For many years I have heard the complaints of the grassroots that we have been ignored, and it seems like no one is looking out for our interests. The swamp is long and wide, but we now have an opportunity to make a change. How will it work out? Only time will tell. Let’s make sure that we make a rational strategic decision that gives us the best chance of producing the results we are looking for. In my humble opinion, the DePerno/Soldano ticket provides our best chance. 

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