‘Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born’ –Taylor Swift

dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

“Becoming friends with Lena – without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she says what she says, why she stands for what she stands for – has made me realize that I’ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so,” she said at the time.

Taylor Swift has decided to use her platform as Maxim magazine’s June cover girl to address feminism, and says her music is unfairly categorized as whiny because of society’s systematic misogyny.

The 25-year-old singer, who has won seven Grammy’s and is worth an estimated $200 million, explained to the men’s publication why she believes there is a double standard when it comes to how others analyze her music.

“A man writing about his feelings from a vulnerable place is brave; A woman writing about her feelings from a vulnerable place is oversharing or whining,” she said. “Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born.”

“So to me, feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it’s just basically another word for equality,” she added.

The seemingly impressionable mega star, who hadn’t previous identified as a feminist, told the Guardian last August how one of her closest friends, Lena Dunham, put it into perspective for her.

Approximately two months after she spoke to the Guardian, Swift told David Letterman how “empowering” Dunham was, while explaining how the two became friends.

“She direct messaged me, and she said ‘We need to be best friends. I feel like you’ve been my best friend in my head for months and almost years now. So, I need to see you in person; then I will lavish you with complements in person,’” Swift recounted.

Fortune Magazine named Swift as the world’s most influential female leader in March, citing her savvy business nature.

While Swift speaks of a double standard surrounding her music, it has yet to affect her album sales or stop her from selling out two or three stadium shows every week.

Just this past Sunday, the “Shake it Off” singer nabbed eight recognitions at the Billboard Music Awards, including top female artist, top artist, top Billboard 200 artist, top Billboard 200 album, top streaming song, and top Hot 100 artist.

Watch: Taylor Swift Likes Lena Dunham- David Letterman


What was supposed to be Her Year has in fact turned out to be five-alarm disaster for Lena Dunham, the creator of HBO’s “Girls.” A year ago, closing out 2014 had to look pretty exciting to the 28 year-old. No matter how good or bad it was, her memoir would be released to guaranteed critical acclaim (she is Lena Dunham after all), there were two major Golden Globe nominations, and the publicity surrounding the 4th season premiere of “Girls” was going to be bigger than anything anyone could have ever imagined.

2014 was going to be Dunham’s breakthrough; the year she went mainstream. Along with the gushing reviews of her memoir and slavish coverage from The New York Times, there would be countless magazine covers, talk show appearances, and a thousand slathering articles obsessing over her every tweet and utterance. The entertainment media was on board. The mainstream media was on board. And at first it all went according to plan.

Things went so well there was even talk of Lena Dunham starring in a “Ghostbusters” remake. You don’t get any more mainstream than that. And you certainly don’t get any more mainstream than having a best friend forever like Taylor Swift.

Then, in three words, it all fell apart: Hypocrisy, lies, children.


Hypocrisy: Dunham demanded people vote … then it was discovered she did not vote.

Lies: Dunham claimed in her non-fiction memoir that she had been raped in college by a campus Republican named Barry. She lied. And in the process indicted an innocent family man as her alleged rapist. Worse, Dunham and her publisher Random House stood silent for two months even after they knew the memoir had placed a cloud of suspicion over an innocent man.

While attempting to run to Dunham’s defense, Gawker tripped over itself and was forced to report their belief that Dunham’s alleged rapist is –wait for it, wait or it — a Democrat.

No one is questioning whether or not Dunham was raped. Something no one else is questioning, though, is that her behavior in this matter was breathtakingly selfish and craven.

Children: Dunham’s unnatural sexual behavior towards her much younger sister creeped everyone in America out not named Jimmy Kimmel.

Those are just the top 3. The Wrap dug up 3 more PR “disasters.”

The mainstream media desperately tried to save Dunham from herself, especially the cowardly and wildly dishonest Savannah Guthrie and Bill Simmons. But they just ended up sullying their own reputations.

Via: Breitbart News

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