In their never-ending crusade to expose and humiliate ‘racists,’ the left has once again proven that they are more racist than anyone else.  Last week, a school district in Arizona held a fundraiser where they were accused of hiring a DJ who painted themselves in blackface.  It was later revealed that the DJ was actually a black man.


The Gateway Pundit Reported





“A black DJ in Scottsdale, Arizona, accidentally sparked controversy among woke liberals at a recent fundraiser for Hopi Elementary School.

After DJ Kim Koko Hunter performed at Hopi Elementary PTA’s ‘Hopi Night Fever’ fundraiser, two outraged school “diversity” leaders attacked Koko for appearing in “blackface.”

Hunter initially thought this was a joke, but he said he was shocked to discover they were serious. 

In a scornful email to Megan Livengood, head of the Hopi PTA, Jill Lassen stated, “These types of racist displays are unacceptable,” and accused DJ Kim Koko Hunter of “perpetuating deliberate racism.”

Scottsdale Unified School District parent Amanda Wray, who was previously targeted and harassed by the district’s School Board members, shared screenshots of these emails on Twitter.

According to emails obtained by The Arizona Daily Independent, Megan Livengood scolded Lassen for her harmful accusations, saying, “I know the goal of the Scottsdale Parent Council is to unite the educational community and you are doing the complete opposite. I will encourage Hopi PTA not to be part of this group in the future.”

Lassen, who is in charge of the school’s diversity, equity, and inclusion committee, later apologized.  Other committee members, such as Arizona State University instructor Stuart Rhoden refused to back down and instead questioned the tone of the DJ’s skin, saying that he probably used makeup to look himself darker.



The DJ later did an interview on FOX News’ Jesse Watters Primetime show where he discussed the accusations against him and denied using blackface.  He also said that none of the people complaining reached out to him.  Instead they stalked his social media to see if he was black enough.

The left are undeniably the most racist people in our country.


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