Michigan Conservative Coalition held the first-ever protest against lockdown orders by their overreaching governor, Gretchen Whitmer on April 15, 2020. Since that date, multiple protests have taken place in a number of states against governors who are imposing irrational or draconian measures on their citizens via executive order, in an effort to “keep them safe” from COVID19 in their states.
Facebook has done its part to ensure the protests against mostly Democrat governors don’t gain too much momentum, by removing posts from their platform that organize protests against lockdown orders over fears of the Wuhan coronavirus. Recently, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), introduced a bill that if passed, would criminalize the phrases, “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan coronavirus,” designating them as “hate speech.”
One female Trader Joes shopper wasn’t about to get called out for refusing to wear a mandated mask while shopping in an enclosed area. The woman in the photo below took matters into her own hands and made herself a bathing suit (of sorts) from medical masks that she wore in a variety of ways to Trader Joes.
Here are the startling images of the Trader Joe’s shopper who isn’t going to be singled out for not wearing a face mask while she shops:
Twitter user “Rita Moreno’s Shoeshine Girl,” who posted the photos of the semi-naked protester, was not amused. She tweeted: Can people just wear the damn mask instead of making it a sad performance art project
Here are a few of the responses to her tweet:
“Betsy” – I thought it was hilarious. Try bringing some humor into your life. You might feel better and not be so negative.
“Russel Khater” – She should do a photo shoot wearing nothing but a ventilator.
Maybe in a couple weeks.
“Kate” – She doesn’t deserve a ventilator at this point. She’s openly admitted her stupidity and willful negligence to wear protective gear during a pandemic.
The response from “Randy is Voting Green in November,” whose profile on Twitter reads: “bus driver, former teacher, socialist, feminist,” etc.. takes the cake.
His response is exactly is almost a textbook response from a self-loathing college student who’s been brainwashed by their professors into believing all white people are bad and deserve nothing less than extinction.
He writes: If only white people could have the apocalypse all by ourselves instead of dragging everyone else into it….
For anyone who thought the semi-naked woman was dangerous, just remembers, there are hundreds of thousands of “Randy’s” out there just waiting for the opportunity to get a teaching job in your kid’s middle, school, high school, college or university. The Wuhan virus doesn’t have anything on the “Randy is voting Green in November”virus that’s sweeping across our education system in America.
We’d love to know what you think. Who’s more dangerous, the bikini-mask woman at Trader Joes or “Randy is voting Green in November”? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.