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WORLD’S LARGEST SEARCH ENGINE Lists “Nazism” As Ideology of CA Republican Party

By Patty McMurray | May 31, 2018

As evidence continues to mount, that social media giants like Facebook and Twitter and Google are either censoring or misrepresenting conservative news or, in the case of Google, California’s Republican Party, lawmakers and GOP Party leaders are taking starting to speak out. They’re putting the “Big 3” distributors of news and messaging on the internet on notice that they’re paying attention to the dirty tactics being used to silence and/or distort conservative voices.

Vice News – Less than a week before the California primary, Google listed “Nazism” as the ideology of the California Republican Party.

In the “knowledge panel” that provides easy access to information next to search results, Google was showing “Nazism” as an “ideology” of the party as of Thursday morning. The word “Nazism” was hyperlinked to a secondary page that shows “Nazism” alongside other “ideologies” of California Republicans like “Conservatism,” “Market liberalism,” “Fiscal conservatism,” and “Green conservatism.”

Vice shared this unbelievable screenshot of what they found when they searched the word “Nazism” on Google:

California voters have been casting their absentee ballots for weeks ahead of Tuesday’s statewide primary elections, which will help determine the majority in the House of Representative and the potential next governor of the world’s fifth-largest economy.

But voters looking for information by searching “California Republicans” or “California Republican Party” were getting “Nazism” next to their search results until Google took the listing down later Thursday after a query from VICE News.

The listing is provoking outrage among Republicans who already believe Silicon Valley tech giants are stacking the deck against them.

GOP Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel tweeted about her outrage over the disgraceful addition of the “nazism” to the CA Republican Party description.

McDaniels tweeted: Google owes conservatives answers and assurances that they are putting an end to this. Evidence is mounting that conservative voices are either being suppressed or, as it appears in this case, being falsely depicted as hateful extremists.

“It is disgraceful that the world’s largest search engine has labeled millions of California Republicans as Nazis,” said Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Majority Leader and potential successor to Speaker Paul Ryan. “This is just the latest incident in a disturbing trend to slander conservatives. These damaging actions must be held to account. The bias has to stop.”


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