In 2015, former professional boxer Anthony Small, was been cleared of plotting to leave Britain to join Islamic State militants in Syria.

Apparently it’s okay to threaten the lives of British citizens as long as you’re not waving an ISIS flag while you do it.

Vice– Small’s flourishing boxing career came to an end when he converted to Islam at the age of 24. Now known as Abdul-Haqq, he decided the sport’s lifestyle was incompatible with his hardline practice of the religion and took up preaching instead.

An associate of the infamous Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary and his banned organization Al-Muhajiroun, Haqq used social media to share his fundamentalist views of Islam. He regularly posted controversial videos filmed in his home, justifying IS beheadings and terror attacks such as the public killing of UK soldier Lee Rigby in 2013.

Here is Anthony Small’s most recent video where he targets Britain First co-founder Paul Golding former EDL leader Tommy Robinson along with conservative radio host Katie Hopkins.

(Photo by Neil Mockford/Alex Huckle/GC Images)
KATIE HOPKINS (Photo by Neil Mockford/Alex Huckle/GC Images)

Keep in mind that Youtube is cracking down on conservatives for “hate speech” while this Muslim man is using Youtube to threaten the lives of 3 popular British activist. Censorship for conservatives is apparently more dangerous than death threats from professional boxers turned Muslim extremists:

Haqq’s views have led to multiple police raids on his house, as well as accusations of trying to join IS in the Middle East. VICE News spoke to Haqq on the run up to his arrest about police raids, Western foreign policy, and his faith. We then caught up with him again outside London’s Old Bailey court after his release.

Here’s who “Anthony Small Boxer” really is. This video is a great reminder of why Trump was correct about our need to do a better job of vetting our refugees:

Go here to see Paul Golding of Britain First’s reply to former professional boxer turned “Allah’s Soldier” Tommy.



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