As a pro-life Catholic who believes in law and order and the right for a nation to defend its borders, I am offended that Pope Frances, who was unable to express his distaste for Hillary, or so called Catholics like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) for their open support of abortion, including late-term abortion, has somehow found a way to tie illegal immigrants crossing our borders to “pro-life”.
As a Catholic who believes that man does not have the ability to control the weather and that only God has that ability, I am offended that Pope Frances would choose to use a phrase from the Old Testament to suggest that anyone who doesn’t believe in “man-made climate change” is “stupid”…and “stubborn.”
Here is a portion of the interview that was conducted by a group of journalists and Pope Frances today:
Vatican Insider – “I leaned out to greet the children and didn’t see the glass, and… pum! The Pope with a smile and an obvious dark bruise framing his left cheek, answers the question on how he feels after the small accident that happened to him in Cartagena. Immediately after the Avianca flight took off from Cartagena, Francis spoke for 38 minutes with journalists on immigration, climate change, Trump’s latest measures and the situation in Venezuela. He confirmed that he had a private meeting with the Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, but denied that there was talk of immigration. He expressed his support to Italy for what the country is doing by trying to manage the emergency landings and regulate immigration flows.”
Speaking of “pro-life” politicians who influence policy in America, why is the Pope tying illegal immigration to pro-life, while ignoring the Democrats who call themselves Catholics, yet advocate for the murder of the most vulnerable among us through abortion?
Here is a list of US Senators who are also Catholics. Their pro-life ratings are listed in front of their names.:
100%—Mike Johanns, R-Neb.
100%—Jim Risch, R-Idaho
100%—David Vitter, R-La.
94%—Pat Toomey, R-Pa.**
68%—Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska
50%—Robert Casey Jr., D-Pa.
31%—Mary Landrieu, D-La.
23%—Susan Collins, R-Maine
11%—Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.
4%—John Kerry, D-Mass.
2%—Richard Durbin, D-Ill.
2%—Tom Harkin, D-Iowa
2%—Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.
2%—Patty Murray, D-Wash.
2%—Jack Reed, D-R.I.
1%—Robert Menendez, D-N.J.
0%—Mark Begich, D-Alaska
0%—Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.
0%—Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.
0%—Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.
Does anyone see a pattern here? Yet, no open condemnation for these lawmakers who actually have the power to stop the barbaric practice of abortion by the Pope.
Journalists then broached the “man-made climate change” topic, asking Pope Frances for his thoughts on the topic:
While we are flying, we are pass near Hurricane Irma which, after causing dozens of deaths in the Caribbean, is now heading towards Florida where there are millions of displaced people. Scientists think that ocean warming makes hurricanes more intense. Is there a moral responsibility of those political leaders who refuse to cooperate with other nations by denying that this climate change is man-made?
“Those who deny this must ask the scientists: they speak very clearly, they are precise. The other day the news came out of a Russian ship that went from Norway to Japan and crossed the North Pole without finding ice. From a university, they have said that we only have three years “to step back”, if not, the consequences will be terrible. I don’t know if the three years are true or not, but if we don’t step back, we will fall! We can see climate change in its effects, and we all have a moral responsibility when we make decisions. I think that is a very serious matter. We all have our moral responsibility and politicians have their own. Let them ask the scientists and then decide. History will judge on their decisions.”
Italy is starting to feel the climate change. There have been many deaths in recent days and so much damage… Why is it that governments are delaying this realization, whereas on other issues they keep soliciting, like on the Korean arms race, for example?
“A phrase from the Old Testament comes to my mind: man is a stupid man, a stubborn man who does not see, the only animal that falls twice in the same hole. The arrogance and conceit… and then there is the “Mighty Dollar”. Many decisions depend on money.
How ironic that the Pope would suggest climate-change deniers who’ve been screaming that phony climate change data and peddlers are part of a scheme to extort money from citizens that will somehow “fix” the NOT resolved science behind “man-made climate change.
The reporters asked the pope’s thoughts on President Trump’s decision to end the unconstitutional DACA program started by former President Barack Obama:
Every time you meet young people, you always tell them: do not let hope and the future be taken away from you. President Trump in the United States has abolished DACA, the “dreamers’ law”, which means that 800,000 illegal boys and girls who entered illegally when they were minors will lose their future. What do you think about it?
“I have heard of the abolition of this law, but I have not been able to read the articles on how and why this decision was taken. I do not know the situation well. However, detaching young people from their family won’t bear any good fruit for young people or the family. This law comes from the executive and not from Parliament: if that is the case, I hope that they will think it over again a little bit. I have heard the President of the United States speak, who presents himself as a pro-life. If he is a good pro-life, he understands the importance of family and life: the unity of the family must be defended. When young people feel exploited, they ultimately feel hopeless. And who steals it? Drugs, other kinds of addictions, suicide… achievable when your roots are cut off. Anything that goes against the roots steals hope.”