On Monday, West Virginia Del. Elliott Pritt announced his switch from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party, becoming the fourth Democrat to do so in the last two months. Just last week, Louisiana Rep. Jeremy LaCombe ditched the Democrat Party for the Republicans.

Pritt, who works as a teacher, serves as the minority chair of the Committee on Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services, the minority vice chair of the Committee on Education, the minority vice chair of the Committee on Jails and Prisons, the minority vice chair of the Committee on Pensions and Retirement, and on the Committee for Economic Development and Tourism.

Del. Elliott Pritt (WV)

In a statement from the West Virginia Republican Party chairwoman Elgine McArdle, she welcomed Pritt to the Republican Party and said, “Like so many West Virginians, Delegate Pritt has recognized that the Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party that our parents grew up with.”

“The Democratic Party of today is led by President Joe Biden and the radical, woke left who continue to advocate values and policies which defy logic and clash with the traditional values of the majority of West Virginians,” McArdle continued. “The Democratic Party of today is the party of crime and lawlessness, the party of mobs, unchecked illegal immigration, runaway government spending, late-term abortion, and government overreach.”

“The Republican Party is the party of traditional American values,” McArdle said. “We support the right to life, the right to keep and bear arms, strong national security, the traditional family, fiscal restraint, and we are proud of America.”

The Democratic Party was not thrilled with Pritt’s move. House Minority Leader Doug Skaff commented on the loss of a party member, saying, “Obviously, I’m disappointed in Elliott’s decision to switch parties. It’s kind of odd that just a few weeks ago he was one of the most vocal Democrats working within our caucus to call out and hold Republicans accountable for their legislative agenda.”

“Elliott made it clear that the Republicans had their priorities wrong on numerous occasions, and I’m curious to see how well he’ll be received within his new caucus,” Skaff said.

Pritt’s transition gives the GOP 89 members in the House, while the Democrats are left with just 11.

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