Earlier this week, health officials linked the monkeypox outbreak to an ‘adult sauna’ in Madrid, Spain, and began investigating a pride festival as another potential superspreader event that led to the outbreak in Europe.  THIS WEEK, the UK Health Security Agency issued an advisory for gay men regarding the monkeypox virus.

A Yale epidemiologist who has spent the last two years disparaging people who are tired of Covid-19 restrictions changed his tune on what should be done about the monkeypox virus because of the revelation that it primarily affects the gay community.

Last week, he told people to ‘go f*ck themselves’ if they believe the pandemic is over.


He has voiced his support for other restrictions like authoritarian vaccine mandates as well.  In December of 2021, he said that opposition to New York’s vaccine mandate was “on behalf of big business” and called it “senseless”


In another thread, he defended school closures that set child development back years and denied underprivileged children access to essential resources like free school breakfast and lunch.


Now, just a week after telling people to ‘go f*ck themselves’ if they wanted to live normal lives, Gonsalves is defending the same types of superspreader events that caused the current monkeypox outbreak in Europe.

Yesterday, he said that LGBT parties should not be shut down and gay people should not be discouraged from engaging in sexual activity at them or dancing on each other ‘in close proximity’.  After insulting people who do not want to panic over Covid-19, he gave another bit of advice about the monkeypox virus: “Don’t panic”‘.


These are the ‘experts’ who told people they couldn’t visit their dying grandma in the hospital during the Covid-19 outbreak.



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