Earlier this month, after dismissing the scandalous content on Hunter Biden’s laptop as ‘Russian disinformation, the New York Times was forced to acknowledge that emails obtained from Hunter’s abandoned laptop were authentic.  In the weeks leading up to the election, people were forbidden from sharing the laptop’s contents or sharing news stories on Twitter and other social media websites.

Since the New York Times admission that Hunter’s laptop is real, there has been a flurry of quiet media retractions.  Today, CNN acknowledged that the FBI had possession of Hunter’s laptop and that they believe the computer as well as the contents on it as his.



Now, the Washington Post has released an expose about Hunter’s corrupt business dealings with CEFC China, a Chinese energy company.  The article admits that they used Hunter Biden’s laptop sources to write the story.

“The CEFC deal became one of the most lucrative, if short-lived, foreign ventures Hunter Biden is known to have pursued. The Post review draws in part on an analysis of a copy said to be of the hard drive of a laptop computer that Hunter Biden purportedly dropped off at a Delaware repair shop and never came to collect. The laptop was turned over to the FBI in December 2019, according to documents reviewed by The Post, and a copy of the drive was obtained by Rudy Giuliani and other advisers to then-President Donald Trump a few months before the 2020 election.”  The Washington Post Reported.





The Washington Post may have also been caught in a lie in their article.  They claim they reached out to Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon to receive a copy of the hard drive for review, but we found evidence that a Bannon associate gave both the New York Times and Washington Post a copy of Hunter’s hard drive over a year ago and they chose to ignore it.

In October 2020, we reported that Hunter Biden helped Chinese companies secure White House meetings in exchange for payment through various shell companies.

Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski interviewed with Tucker Carlson in 2020, where he said that he felt President Joe Biden was ‘compromised’ because of his son’s business dealings with China that he claims Joe Biden was aware of.



In the same interview with Tucker, Bobulinski says that Joe Biden’s denials that he was personally involved in Hunter’s business dealings are a ‘blatant lie.’


Hunter Biden’s business partners, James Gilliar and Rob Walker were caught on tape in late October of 2020 discussing what the potential consequences could be if Bobulinski went public with his accusations



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