Buchanan County Supervisor was indicted for dozens of felonies pertaining to election fraud and embezzlement
Buchanan County Supervisor and Democrat Official Trey Adkins has been indicted by a grand jury for 82 felonies–many of which pertain to election fraud.
From the Western Journal:
he’s facing 34 counts of making a false statement related to election fraud; 11 counts of violating absentee voting procedure; eight counts of public embezzlement; 11 counts of forgery of public records; 15 counts of uttering related to public records; and three counts of conspiracy to make a false statement related to election fraud.
The investigation into the felonious Democratic official has been ongoing for two years, and the jury found that Adkins falsified absentee ballots and forged signatures in order to win a public office election.
Adkins has been serving on the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors since 2011. His embezzlement charges come from supplying county-owned gravel to private companies via his own personal construction company.
In a response to the indictments, Adkins said the following:
“The issue they’re having is how the envelopes were witnessed. So, you know, it’s not that somebody didn’t get to vote the way they wanted to, or there was some kind of big fraud going on. That’s the term they use for the code section that they applied to it, and we’ll address that.”
Big fraud or little fraud (assuming he is truthful in his response,) election fraud is still just that–fraud. It is a despicable Democrat tactic which plagued 2020’s elections from the county level up to the presidential level, and one which Democrats often dismiss as either nonexistent or so small an issue as to never impact the results of an election. These are clearly lies which they use to cover themselves, considering that their party is always the only one benefiting from fraud.
Democrats fought hard to make fraud easier when they pushed for absentee ballots and to remove voter ID laws across the nation in 2020. Actions like those of Democrat official Trey Adkins are the result.