Today, after dismissing the scandalous content on Hunter Biden’s laptop as ‘Russian disinformation’, the mainstream media was forced to acknowledge that emails obtained from Hunter’s abandoned laptop were authentic.  In the weeks leading up to the election, people were forbidden from sharing the contents of the laptop or sharing news stories about it on Twitter and other social media websites.

Now, the Daily Mail has revealed that the Washington Post and New York Times had access to the contents of the laptop for a year and that they were aware that they were authentic.  They refused to publish the scandalous emails and pictures on Hunter Biden’s laptop while they continued to push the fradulent Russiagate scandal to demonize President Trump.


The Daily Mail Reports





“The Times has previously repeatedly referred to information from the laptop as ‘purported’, ‘in question’, and even called it ‘unsubstantiated’ in a September 2021 news story, then later quietly removed the word.

The newspaper also prominently reported White House denials of Joe Biden’s meetings with Hunter’s business partners at a DC cafe, evidenced by the laptop emails, until this week’s report when the Times performed an about-face.

A new lawsuit reveals that although the newspaper failed to publish stories based on the laptop for over a year, Times reporters appear to have been paying close attention to some of’s stories.”

The Daily Mail first became aware that the New York Times was following their reporting on the contents of Hunter’s laptop after they reported on Hunter Biden’s business dealings with a corrupt Romanian business tycoon who was later convicted of bribery.  The story was based on emails recovered from Hunter’s laptop.

The day the Daily Mail published the story, a New York Times reporter filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking to see communications between White House staffers and the Romanian businessman, Gabriel Popoviciu.  Hunter Biden allegedly facilitated meetings between him and top White House officials.

It was also revealed that a co-host on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast was the person who gave the Daily Mail the contents of Hunter’s laptop.  He also gave the contents to the Washington Post, who has sat on the story and published next to nothing about it since it was given to them last summer.




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