I’m going to show you the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time….

Does anyone else remember Miss South Carolina?

She gave one of the best (and by that I mean worst) answers in a Beauty Contest some 20+ years ago and it’s still legendary.

From the iconic opening line (“I personally believe….”) it just gets better and better as it goes.

She’s trying so desperately to just run out that clock and say as many words as she can think of (“wherefore, such as”) and she’s just trying everything she can to land the plane on that question….and it’s so good!

So someone decided to swap out Joe Biden for Miss South Carolina but to leave Trump’s reactions in place.

The result is comedy gold.


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I only have one question….

And it’s a serious one.

Who sounded better?

Joe Biden or Miss South Carolina?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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