Lunden Roberts, mom to Hunter Biden’s fourth child, showed up to listen to his deposition in Arkansas on Friday. Biden and Roberts settled their child support case in 2019, but in 2022 Biden asked for his financial obligation to be reduced, citing a change in his finances. Roberts is demanding Biden turn over his financial records.

Lunden Roberts has refused to budge on the $20,000 per month she receives from Hunter in child support until he releases his financial records. Their child, Navy Joan Roberts, is four-years-old and was reportedly conceived while Hunter was in a relationship with his brother Beau’s widow.

Hunter, a lead figure in the Biden Crime Family, owns a multi-million dollar home in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in California. The home where Hunter and his wife, Mellisa Cohen, are raising their toddler son is located in Hollywood Hills, which shares the same zip code with several top Hollywood celebrities. Neither he nor Joe and Jill Biden have ever met his little girl.

Hunter traveled to downtown Little Rock, Arkansas, Friday to sit for his videotaped deposition. But 32-year-old Roberts surprised the first son by attending. Hunter was surrounded by secret service and arrived in a five-car motorcade, according to the Daily Mail. Hunter has constantly failed to turn over his financial records, leading Roberts to petition the circuit court judge to hold Hunter in contempt. Judge Holly Meyer has not ruled on contempt charges, but failing to turn over his records could cost Hunter jail time if he refuses to come clean about his finances.

Hunter is also facing congressional and federal investigations into his finances. His lawyer Abbe Lowe has attempted to keep Hunter from having to present evidence when the child-support case goes to court in Mid-July but has been unsuccessful.
While some have claimed Roberts worked as a stripper, she actually worked at Rosemont Seneca for Hunter, according to information retrieved from Hunter’s laptop.
Roberts has refused to take less in child support while forcing Hunter to come clean about his business deals. She has requested discovery into his global business deals in countries like China and Ukraine and also into the amounts paid for his amateur paintings. She has also upped the ante by requesting that Navy’s last name be changed to Biden so the child will “benefit from carrying the Biden Family name.”


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