Former Federal Prosecutor Brett Tolman believes anybody but a Biden would have been indicted before the 2020 election

Brett Tolman, formerly a Utah attorney and now the executive director of the nonprofit Texas Public Policy Foundation, Right on Crime, stated in an interview that “anybody else” in the country would have long ago been indicted.

From the New York Post:

Ex-Utah US Attorney Brett Tolman said that “the US attorney in Delaware … has had this case for a long time.”

“Anybody else in this country, we would have seen these indictments probably before the election,” Tolman said.

Tolman also said testimony from former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinksi and various emails raised the possibility that President Biden, first lady Jill Biden, first brother James Biden and others “facilitated their ability to take large amounts of money from countries … and to be able to hide that from the government and to hide what they were buying.”

Tolman also insinuates that perhaps others in the Biden family are culpable in Hunter’s criminal dealings as well. While it is unlikely that the Democrat royalty, aside from Hunter, would ever face an indictment, it is still important that the public is made aware of their criminality.

Asked if he would “go after President Biden,” Tolman said, “I would be issuing — months ago, I would have issued search warrants.”

“I would have requested [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrants to uncover what was happening with China,” he said.

“I would have put together, you know, a team of people.”

And it is an unfortunate thing that Tolman is unable to do so. Seeking the truth and going after criminals used to be what federal prosecutors did. Now, they would rather drive innocent patriots to suicide instead.

Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s business affairs and said during the presidential debate on Oct. 22, 2020, “My son has not made any money in terms of this thing about — what he’s talking about China.”

Emails recovered and verified from Hunter’s laptop have proven that this is a lie, as is everything that comes out of the Bidens’ mouths. Hopefully, it is only a matter of time before Hunter is brought to justice, thanks to the expanded tax probe which is now investigating whether he  violated federal lobbying laws on behalf of foreign companies.

You can listen to Tolman’s remarks for yourself here:


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