Finally! The Inspector General’s report on the Clinton email investigation will be released today. President Trump’s birthday! The report was supposed to come out in May but had been delayed. President Trump questioned the delay recently with a comment that the report was being watered down. To be honest, we wouldn’t put anything past these people:

The big question is whether Horowitz will recommend charges for any of the players at the FBI/DOJ. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch spoke out this morning on Fox & Friends:

TomFitton on the IG Report: In the end we’ll have confirmation the Clinton email investigation destroyed the credibility of the DOJ & FBI…

We believe Comey should be fitted for an orange jumpsuit:

One of the biggest indicators that FBI Director Comey was politically compromised to favor Clinton is this outrageous statement:

 In his book, “A Higher Loyalty,” Comey claims “It is entirely possible that, because I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president, my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls.”

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) discussed with Fox Business host Kennedy the release of the inspector general’s report on how the FBI handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation:

WaPo reports:

The report is expected to criticize former FBI director James B. Comey and other senior law enforcement officials for their handling of decisions they made that affected the course of the probe, as well as how they conducted themselves during the investigation. The inspector general has issued a report lambasting former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe for making unauthorized disclosures to the media and then misleading investigators about his actions.

DOJ Turns in Criminal Referral for Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

The inspector general’s investigation also unearthed an exchange of pro-Clinton, anti-Trump texts between the former top FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Both were on Mueller’s Russia investigation team but either left or were relieved of those duties after their correspondence was discovered.

SENATE RELEASES 500 PAGES: Strzok/Page Texts Reveal Bombshell Info On FBI Spying and Set-Up Of Trump [Video]


There will first be a briefing to congress and President Trump happening at noon.  The public release will be at 3:00pm.

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein will brief President Trump while senior DOJ officials  will brief congress and their staff.

The report will be approximately 500-pages and will cover the DOJ and FBI conduct surrounding the Clinton classified email investigation, and was originally commissioned during the Obama administration to review whether the FBI and DOJ politicized the Clinton investigation and subsequent outcome.



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