The rules during the coronavirus pandemic apply to everyone but not to the elites. Numerous politicians have been caught breaking the rules they had just put in place for everyone else. The Mayor of Los Angeles might want to check his priorities regarding outdoor dining in the city. The video below is an outrage.

In Los Angeles, a furious bar owner tweeted out a video showing the scene of an outdoor dining area. No big deal, right? Well, as the video goes on, the bar owner says that Mayor Garcetti has approved an outdoor dining area for a movie company that is right across from her outdoor dining area that has been shut down. (We obviously have not verified Garcetti’s approval of the outdoor dining area.) We would imagine that approval for the big set-up had to come from the city. Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill is located in Sherman Oaks, California, and has been shut down by its tyrannical leadership. If the movie company can have food tents, then this bar owner should open her outdoor dining.

“I’m losing everything…”

CNBC’s Rick Santelli made a great point today during a heated debate on whether restaurants are more dangerous for the coronavirus than big box stores:

MSNBC’s Rick Santelli is known for his outbursts of conservative truth on the otherwise lefty CNBC. His latest is a great one!

Santelli and lefty Andrew Sorkin got into a shouting match over whether a “big box” store is the same as a restaurant when it comes to the coronavirus. Santelli said he doesn’t believe there is a difference and favors letting people decide for themselves. Andrew Sorkin warned Santelli about having any opinion other than the accepted CNBC opinion. It was a delight to see pushback on the idiocy of the tyrannical regulations killing the restaurant industry while keeping big box stores open.

This is epic!

Andrew Sorkin is a typical leftist who believes he’s never wrong. Groupthink rules over freedom of thought with these people. Should individuals and businesses stay open and have the public decide for themselves about dining out? We’d like to know what you think.

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