Michigan voters are turning more and more to President Trump because the impeachment effort is backfiring in a big way.

Smart Americans are seeing what Democrats are doing to try and destroy the president.

Even though it’s hard to believe the voter in the video below would consider voting for Joe Biden, he’s now back on the Trump Train!

The Michigan voters are speaking out this time around. A group of Trump supporters recently protested at an anti-gun town hall in Michigan:

Michigan Congresswoman Haley Stevens held a town hall where she was caught on video, screaming, “The NRA has got to go!”

She didn’t expect Trump supporters to be there in full force, ready to push back on her extreme agenda.

There was a protest against her inside and outside the venue that happened to be at a gun range.

The effort by the left to destroy the NRA is rising with other lawmakers also chiming in to say they want to eliminate the NRA:

Dem Liz Warren Calls The NRA “A Small Group of Well-Financed Extremists”…Vows To Break Them

Michigan MAGA supporters showed up to let their local Congresswoman know they don’t want to give up their guns with a protest against her anti-gun town hall.

Women for Trump’s Meshawn Maddock organized a protest against Stevens with her daughter Parker Maddock who took the video below. President Trump’s Campaign Manager Brad Parscale tweeted out the video!

The Michigan protest is an excellent example of what ALL Trump supporters can do to fight back against the left…show up and speak up!

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