I’m sick and damned tired of you using black people as a prop!

In a post with so many delectable arrows pointing right at the heart of liberal democrats, one fed-up American isn’t shy in voicing her abject disgust at their latest antics.

Lavern Spicer, a Florida resident that is running for congress delivered the 2-minute rant that frankly could’ve lasted for hours with no shortage of material.

In it, she blasts Texas Democrats, taking issue with the lying legislators for having the temerity to play oppressed victims while collecting 6-figure incomes and jetting off to DC on a booze-infused, chartered flight to D.C.

In stories, we previously covered hereherehere, here, and here, we reported on the reprehensible behavior of the petulant liberal lawmakers who fled Texas to avert an election integrity vote. Claiming the Republican bill was a racist attempt at voter suppression, the Democratic legislators seriously over-plaid their hands and revealed the new low to which they will gladly sink to, in order to ensure fraudulent votes can still be cast in their state.

Commenters showed their support for Ms. Spicer with one posting,
I’m from Texas and I’m with you on this here, Lavern! These “legislators” have brought shame to our great state, but, it’s fine because the bill passed despite their stunt. They should take their chartered flight and head to a country without Voter ID if it bugs them so much!

And another saying,
I’m absolutely convinced that politicians and diapers need to be changed regularly both for the same reason.



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