Michigan Republican Senate candidate John James blasted Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden for telling a small group of supporters in Michigan on Friday (before he went into hiding) that the GOP candidate running against the do-nothing Senator Gary Peters is a “disaster.”

The West Point grad and successful black businessman, John James, recorded a blistering response to Biden’s accusation about him being a “disaster,” and posted it on Twitter.

“Joe Biden, don’t forget your place in Black America. You’re only where you are because you were Barack Obama’s vice president—That’s it…that’s it!” he warned.

“The people you’re relying on so desperately for the position you’re in and for the position you want, are African-Americans—yet, you continue to insult us,” James told the Democrat presidential candidate.

The Republican Senate candidate, and Iraq war veteran, who flew army helicopters, and now runs a successful auto-supply chain business, reminded Joe Biden of some of the racist comments he made that were all caught on video, “You ain’t Black if you don’t vote for me!—Asking somebody if they’re a junky—Calling the president, Barack Obama, ‘clean,’ as if he wouldn’t be for some other reason?”

“You have some serious issues,” James said, mocking him for talking about “racial injustice” when he authored the crime bill that James claims “sent a generation of Blacks to jail.” James reminded Biden, “You authored the crime bill, or have you forgotten?” He continued, “You’re responsible for sending a generation of what you call super-predators to jail, breaking the Black family apart, or at least not helping, sending Blacks to failing schools

In a 1993 speech on the Senate floor, when he was trying to push through his crime bill, then-Senator Joe Biden said that “we have predators on our streets” who were “beyond the pale,” explaining that “we have no choice but to take them out of society,” telling his fellow senators it was a matter of protecting his family and the families of his fellow senators.

James responded to Biden’s insult directly, “Yeah, it’s a disaster for Democrats in Michigan right now, because right now, you have an African-American running in the Republican Party—not because the party is perfect, but because I can think for myself,” he said.

“I was raised by two Democrats in the Jim Crow south, with the values of faith and family, God and country, and service before self,” he told Biden.

James also blasted his do-nothing opponent, Senator Gary Peters, for ignoring the Black community, Gary Peters has “been in Washington for 12 [years ]and the Senate for 6 [years],” James told Biden, adding that like Biden, Peters has done nothing to help Blacks in all of the years he’s spent in Washington D.C.


Do-nothing, radical Senator Gary Peters (D-M) refuses to debate Republican Senate candidate John James. James responded to the cowardly Peters, saying, “He’s not proud of his record. He’s an ineffective career politician who’s benefiting on the backs of taxpayers.” James continued,  “If he was proud of his record—if he’s telling the truth about me and not lying, then why wouldn’t he want the most number of people to see that?” James explained, “He’s afraid of his record, and quite frankly, he’s afraid of me.” James followed up with an excellent question If he’s gonna say he’s gonna stand up for Michigan, and he won’t even stand next to me on a debate stage—you should seriously question his motivation and what he’s trying to hide.”


We know the true character of Senator Gary Peters; we watched him first hand, at every debate when he ran against the popular Republican war veteran Rocky Raczkowski in 2010. In one of the debates, Gary Peters’s elderly father sat in the front row of the debate audience next to his wife. At the same time, he held up his middle finger at Peters’ opponent whenever he would challenge his weak son on important issues. Gary Peters won the election that sent him to D.C. after a lopsided election result in a district known for committing voter fraud. The election results in Pontiac, MI, came in big-time for the Democrat Gary Peters, several hours after all of the polls in Michigan had already closed.

The former Pontiac, MI city clerk, Sherikia Hawkins, who oversaw the elections when the lopsided result was reported that gave Gary Peters the extra last-minute boost he needed to win the election, has now been indicted on six election law felony charges, related to her latest job as a city clerk in Southfield, MI.

Here is a list of the charges against Hawkins, which stem from the Nov. 6, 2018, general election:

  • Count One. Election Law – Falsifying Returns/Records, a five-year felony and/or $1,000;
  • Count Two. Forgery of a Public Record, a 14-year felony;
  • Count Three. Misconduct in Office, a five-year felony and/or $10,000;
  • Count Four. Using a Computer to Commit a Crime – Election Law – Falsifying Returns/Records, a seven-year felony and/or $5,000;
  • Count Five. Using a Computer to Commit a Crime – Forgery of a Public Record, a 10-year felony and/or $10,000;
  • Count Six. Using a Computer to Commit a Crime – Misconduct in Office, a seven-year felony and/or $5,000.

Nothing to see here…

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