Judge Jeanine went off on “Liar Loretta Lynch” during her show tonight, telling her viewers that Obama’s former attorney general, Loretta Lynch had to have signed off on approval for the FBI informant in London.

This informant then spied on the Trump campaign and met with at least three Trump campaign advisers.
That’s huge!

Judge Jeanine: When Jeff Sessions decides to recuse himself, Rod Rosenstein, a man we have never even heard of, appoints his pal, Bob Mueller, to investigate our President.  And this week, we find out the FBI ran a spy operation actually planting an informant, a mole, in the Trump campaign before there were any legal grounds to do any such thing.  It was a classic totalitarian third-world tactic. This person has as much as been identified. He’s engaged in skullduggery going back to Bush 41. My FBI sources tell me there would be no reason for him to even run into a Page or Papadopoulos. And get this, he’s disappeared for the last 9 months.

I want you to remember that you heard it here first. Any “collector,” their name for an informant working on a national campaign, must have a sign off by the Attorney General. Here, that would be liar Loretta Lynch. Lynch, herself, would of have to have approved an informant on that campaign. And if she didn’t then the FBI under James Comey was even more corrupt, going rogue in their attempt to destroy Donald Trump.

The single most person dangerous person to the agenda of President Trump, the Republican Party and ultimately to all Americans, is the Attorney General of the United States himself, Jeff Sessions. The man has done nothing to make anyone responsible for the blatant corruption, the unmistakeable perjury, the in-your-face obstruction of our laws that we’ve seen play out every day. He has fought the release of telling documents that would put an end to this horrible period in America’s history. Documents that would make clear that the criminals in this attempt to overthrow an American President. He’s even argued that he doesn’t want to release records of Hillary because she’s now a private citizen.  This man has done nothing to create confidence that wrongdoers would be held accountable, answerable.

With all the power and might of the Department of Justice behind him, he [Sessions] continues to do nothing. He refuses to take them out in cuffs.


h/t Gateway Pundit

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