In a recent interview with Daily Mail, Barbra Streisand made the claim that women who voted for President Trump did so because of their husbands and said those women “don’t believe enough in their own thoughts”

Babs should get out more often. Living in a Hollywood bubble will twist your mind.

Streisand offended women who voted for President Trump by making the assumption that we “don’t believe in our own thoughts”. She thinks we only voted for Trump because our husbands did.

She’s so wrong. The opposite is true.


The Trumpettes started as a group of four wealthy and well-connected women seeking to get Trump elected president back in 2015. It has mushroomed into thousands of supporters nationwide and even throughout the world, leading to numerous television appearances and articles about Trumpette found, Toni Holt Kramer and her cause.

The Trumpettes are just one example of many groups of women across the country who supported Trump from the beginning.

We know so many other independent women who were also early supporters of candidate Trump long before their husbands were on board.


At one point in the interview, Streisand made the claim that Trump supporters are living in the past:

Can you imagine? There’s a war between people who want to live in the future and look forward to the future and people who want to live in the past. Imagine, women who for 40-something years have had the right to choose now perhaps won’t.’

It would seem that she is the one living in the past because she still thinks women aren’t following their own path.

It would seem Trump supporting women are the ones looking to the future more than the leftist women. One of the driving forces for so many women is the thought of what kind of country we’ll be leaving our children. With socialism knocking at our door, women we know have never been more concerned.


“I love my country and it’s painful to see democracy being assaulted, institutions being assaulted and women being assaulted.”

We’ve got news for Ms. Streisand, we love our country too.

It’s not a democracy.

What institutions are being assaulted? We don’t see institutions being assaulted but we see the president being assaulted every day in the media and with lies from politicians.

Are women being assaulted?  We have no idea why that was bought up because it looks like the only one doing the assaulting of women would be Democrats. Michael Avenatti?



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