Remember when the world went nuts when Rep. Joe Wilson of Texas rightly yelled out “You lie!” at Barack Obama during the State of the Union when then President Barack Obama actually lied about Obamacare, saying it would not insure illegal immigrants?

My,how things have changed…

Only this week, we saw President Trump’s female DHS Secretary being chased out of a DC restaurant by leftist activists, who later descended on her home, and his Press Secretary being kicked out of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, VA because she supports our President.

We also saw actor Peter Fonda suggest President Trump and Melania’s 11-year-old son be placed in a cage and raped by pedophiles. B-actor Tom Arnold calling on the left to threaten the Trump families and their children. Comedian Seth Rogen bragged and laughed about humiliating House Speaker Paul Ryan’s young “very white” kids when they asked for a photo with him at an Alzheimer’s event. And finally, former comedian Kathy Griffin, who ended her own career after she held a bloodied, decapitated head of President Trump up for the cameras during a publicity stunt, and porn star Stormy Daniels became the new face of the Democrat Resist Party:

But let’s talk about why NBA legend Kevin McHale should be fired from TNT as their NBA analyst, after he dared to appear in a photo (the claim has not yet even been substantiated) at a Trump rally in Minnesota.

WFB is reporting that Kevin McHale, a Basketball Hall of Fame inductee sparked controversy this week after he appeared to attend a rally for President Donald Trump in Duluth, Minnesota, on Wednesday night.

Kevin McHale, who played for the NBA’s Boston Celtics from 1980 to 1993, drew rebuke from liberal activists after social media users noticed an individual matching the former player’s 6-foot 10-inch frame in photos taken at the rally.

McHale, a Minnesota native, retired from the NBA as a player in 1993 but has remained active in the league as a manager, commentator, and coach—leading the Minnesota Timberwolves from 2008-2009 and the Houston Rockets from 2011-2015. Since 2016, he has been an analyst for NBA TV and Turner Sports’ “NBA on TNT.”

It remains unclear whether McHale is the man in the photos. The basketball great has refused to comment on the story.

The unconfirmed photos triggered rebuke from media figures and liberal activists, with many demanding the NBA cut all ties with McHale.

Henry Lake, a talk radio personality, said that if McHale admits he attended the rally, his employment should be terminated given “everything that is happening now and what Trump’s done.”

“I’d love to get definitive confirmation,” Lake wrote. “But if Kevin McHale actually showed up to Trump’s rally in Duluth today with everything that is happening now and what Trump’s done and stands for, yeah he’s cancelled.”

GQ magazine writer Nathaniel Friedman echoed those sentiments, lambasting McHale for showing poor judgment by deciding to attend “a public Trump event.” The writer asserted that McHale’s choice “as much as his politics” exhibit “why he should never work” for the NBA again.

“Kevin McHale is extremely stupid for attending a public Trump event,” Friedman tweeted. “That, as much as his politics, is why he should never work in the NBA again”

GQ writer Mike Jollett tweeted: “Hall of Fame Celtic Kevin McHale and his wife attended a TRUMP rally? You’re an analyst in a sport that is 75% black. You literally make money off the hard work of black athletes. Is this real? If so, he’s gonna have a rough week.”

The GQ writer doubled down on his ignorance and his blind hate for President Trump with a retweet by a woman whining about “An incredibly talented black man” who, “had the audacity to attend a public Trump event” while she was “resisting”.

The founder of “The Left” thinks anyone who supports President Trump (over half the nation) should be marked with a “scarlet letter”…LOL!

Kelly Scalletta of the Bleacher Report tweeted that he can’t imagine anyone hiring McHale for a coaching job after he dared to support our President. LOL! (We’re showing you a screenshot of his post, as he has blocked us from seeing his content, over our political views…Another tolerant liberal).

Jimmy Fallon writer Jen Statsky calls the NBA legend a “clown” because he allegedly appeared at a rally for the President of The United States. Very sad…

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