Mad Maxine is fear mongering again…

“Don’t let them divide us”

“We’re almost at a constitutional crisis in the United States of America. We’re at a constitutional crisis because we’ve got a president, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. You know, some people think his antics sometimes are funny, sometimes cute, sometimes unusual. And to say, ‘Well, you know, he’s going to learn to become presidential,’ That’s a lie!… Whether it’s issues about whether or not our government and our elected officials are going to support the right to organize and support the right to bargain. It has not been Republicans. It is always Democrats. We’ve been there for you. We’re gonna stay there for you. And damn this president! We’re not going to let him destroy organized labor.”

What she meant to say was “Damn this president. We’re not going to let him take votes from Democrats in organized labor”

Mad Maxine Waters continues to berate President Trump and play the game of hate.  At what point does this become just pitiful and embarrassing to Democrats?

Maxine was attending the Time Magazine 100  as an honoree for something unearned (we’re sure). She was stopped on the red carpet by a Time reporter and asked, “If you had to give some advice to President Trump, what advice would you give him?”  All she could say was that she wants Trump to “just get out” of office…

“Please resign so that I won’t have to keep up this fight of your having to be impeached, because I don’t think you deserve to be there.

“Just get out!” 

President Trump is a duly elected president! What about that does Rep. Waters not get?

Many Democrats have had it with Waters and her “impeach 45” mantra:

Axios reports:

At an Axios event in Chicago yesterday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel told me midterm Democratic candidates are unwise to rely on the allure of impeaching President Trump as an issue in November’s races.
“I lived through the Clinton White House. This is a serious legal and constitutional, not political, issue. … I couldn’t be angrier at Donald Trump. … That said, you don’t just flippantly say: We’re for impeachment.”* “When we get to it, we collectively as a country will know it — as we did with, like, Richard Nixon.”* “[Y]ou don’t just treat … the policy standard of impeachment … as a political tool. It’s a constitutional standard and, when that standard has been met, we’ll know about it. … This is a case where the best politics is good policy.”

The site quotes liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow, who predicts, “It is quite possible that trying to impeach and remove Trump could have the opposite effect than the one desired: It could boost rather than diminish his popularity and an acquittal by the Senate would leave an even more popular president in office.”


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