The interviewer for Israel’s Channel 2 touched a nerve when she asked Monica Lewinsky if she expects an apology from Bill Clinton. Lewinsky stormed off the stage and said, “Sorry I can’t do this”.
The shocking thing is not that Lewinsky walked off stage but that Bill Clinton has NEVER given Lewinsky an apology!
.@MonicaLewinsky walking out abruptly on @LeviYonit (chief anchor at @NewsChannelIL ) few seconds into her on stage live Interview after being asked: do you still expect a personal apology from Pres. Clinton. “Sorry, i cant do this”.
— Tal Schneider טל שניידר تال شنايدر (@talschneider) September 3, 2018
Lewinsky had just given a speech about the public humiliation she’d suffered after is was reported she had a sexual relationship with President Bill Clinton. Lewinsky said she was ostracized by the Jewish community in her area after the news of her affair with Clinton was reported.
Lewinsky claimed that this lead to some dark times…
The thing that’s so wrong in all of this is that Clinton was recently asked if he ever apologized directly to Lewinsky. He said he felt like he didn’t owe her a personal apology. Wow! Isn’t that sad and so wrong. It’s always all about Bill…he was a mama’s boy who could do no wrong then grew up to marry a wife who was equally enabling of his bad behavior…It’s all about Bill, don’t you know.
In June, Clinton told NBC News he didn’t believe he owed Lewinsky a personal apology.
‘I do not – I have never talked to her. But I did say publicly on more than one occasion that I was sorry,’ Clinton told NBC.
‘I apologized to everybody in the world,’ Clinton said, implying that was enough.
The former president also said he, too, was a victim of the entire saga since he left the White House $16million in debt.
The fireworks start at the 3:00 point:
All of that is total BS! Bill Clinton has the silver tongue of a grifter who gliders through life discarding damaged women while Hillary looks the other way. These two grifters are sickening.
However you feel about Monica Lewinsky, she deserves an apology from Bill Clinton. Shame on him for playing the victim!