She’s a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother, a playwright, and an ordained minister. She had a spotless prison record and was also called an “exemplary prisoner by prison guards. She was also a first time offender who was given a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense.

From her prison cell, Johnson told her story, as she pleaded with our government to stop “over-incarcerating” our citizens.

Here is Johnson’s powerful story:

On November 14, 2018, President Trump commuted her life sentence after a controversial visit with reality TV star and wife of Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, who met with Jared Kushner and President Trump to discuss her case. President Trump was widely criticized by the left for meeting with Kardashian to discuss the 63-year-old prisoner, Alice Johnson. Johnson has been in prison since 1996.

After her visit to the White House, President Trump tweeted: Great meeting with @KimKardashian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing.

In November 2018, President Trump made history, when he signed the “First Step Act” into law, allowing non-violent offenders to gain early release from prison. According to The Root, 91% of First Step Act inmates released from prison were Black Americans.

Tonight, President Trump featured Alice Johnson in his Super Bowl commercial, touting his historic “First Step Act.”

According to a White House statement, “The First Step Act enacted commonsense reforms to make our justice system fairer and help inmates successfully transition back into society. The First Step Act provided the opportunity for sentencing relief for certain defendants who received mandatory minimum sentences prior to the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010.”

Tonight, President Trump ran a powerful Super Bowl ad featuring the release of a model prisoner, Alice Johnson:

Alice Johnson tweeted about her heartwrenching Super Bowl commercial, saying: “Two Super Bowls ago I was sitting in a prison cell. Today I am a free woman and my story was featured in a Super Bowl Ad. I will spend the rest of my life fighting for the wrongly and unjustly convicted! God Bless America!”

In an October 2019 poll, support for President Trump by Black male Americans from 35-49 years old was at 42%.

Democrats cannot win with these numbers.


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