“CBS This Morning” hosts Gayle King and Maurice DuBois interviewed Bernie Sanders this morning to get his thoughts on President Trump’s visit to the state of Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Instead of remarking about how impressed they were that President Trump and FLOTUS Melania were traveling together to Corpus Christie, TX, to offer their support and encouragement for the victims, the “CBS The Morning” panel begged Bernie Sanders to criticize him.
Gayle King was the first to ask Sanders if it was a good idea for Trump to visit. Sanders said “I don’t know” as he fumbled over his words.
“Well, there’s one school of thought—they’re still in the middle of it,” King interjected.
Sanders said the focus now was on doing everything that could be done to protect the people of Houston. Sanders did not mention Trump’s visit, which will not include Houston due to the ongoing conditions there, but will include Corpus Christi, where Hurricane Harvey made landfall.
“Is it too soon for a presidential visit?” co-host Maurice DuBois again asked.
“Too soon for the president to be there? Probably it is, but let’s not get into that,” Sanders said. “The focus right now has got to be on doing everything that we can do address the terrible, terrible pain that is taking place in that city.” – WFB