On the eve of her swearing in as United States Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib was captured on video at a MoveOn.org event, (a George Soros funded organization) showing what a classless, hate-filled freshman member of Congress looks like.

The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel tweeted about her “raucous reception” at a MoveOn reception near the Hill. He reported that her closing remarks at the event were” We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”

Earlier today, after spending most of last week defending herself after she was called out by her fellow lawmakers for making multiple anti-Semitic remarks, Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) told a Fox News reporter that President Trump is “not a human.” Her vile remarks were in response to a Vanity Fair article where Omar trashed former President Obama, suggesting that he was only a polished version of President Trump.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) suggested Islamophobia drove Democratic lawmakers to oppose anti-Semitic statements made by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.).

In response to a tweet that falsely tied Rep. Steve Scalise to White Supremacists, Rashid suggested that the outrage over her fellow Muslim lawmaker, Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic tweets were because of “Islamaphobia.”

Washington Free Beacon – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) suggested Islamophobia drove Democratic lawmakers to oppose anti-Semitic statements made by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.).

“Why do you think people in your own party reacted so strongly against what [Omar] said?” The Circus host Alex Wagner asked Tlaib in an interview released Sunday.

“You know, I’m trying to figure it out. It’s just this past week, I feel, and I know this would be somewhat shocking for some, but I think Islamophobia is very much among the Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party,” Tlaib responded. “And I know that’s hard for people to hear, but there’s only been four members of Congress that are of Muslim faith. Three of them currently serve in this institution. More of us need to get elected, but more of us need to understand as we come into this institution that I have a lot of work to do with my colleagues.”

Watch Rashida Tlaib accuse her fellow Democrats and Republicans of being “Islamophobic.”

Tlaib said more Muslims need to get elected into public office, as a way to cure everyone of “Islamaphobia.” No one has done more to damage the reputation of Muslims in office than Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. The accused domestic abuser, and former Rep. Keith Ellison of MN, who was removed from his post as the DNC Vice Chair after a reliable accuser stepped forward, has also damaged the reputation of Muslims in public office. We can’t forget about Muslim Rep. Andre Carson who believes America’s public schools need to be more like Islamic religious schools, based on the Quran.

Speaking of electing more Muslims to public office, page 7 of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America lays out a plan to eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within.

Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

In August 2018, the Associated Press reported that 90 Muslim Americans had jumped into races for everything from school board to Congress since the start of the election cycle. While only about 50 candidates remain since the recent primaries, the number is still higher than it has been since before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Comparatively, only about one dozen Muslims ran for office in 2016. That’s a 650% increase in Muslims running for political office in the US in only one year.



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