Twitter is on fire over Reverend Jerry Falwell Jr.’s decision to reopen Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Liberals seem to be less concerned with the safety and well being of the mostly conservative student body, and instead, seem to be focused on the close friendship between Falwell Jr. and President Trump. Some on Twitter are suggesting criminal charges should be made against Falwell.

SXMProgress radio show host Dean Obeidallah says President Trump and Reverend Jerry Falwell should both be charged with “MANSLAUGHTER” if anyone dies at Liberty University over Falwell’s decision to reopen the campus to students for online coursework.

Three days ago, Reverend Jerry Falwell tweeted about how he almost lost his then 20-year-old son to the Swine Flu in 2009 because of the poor response from Barack Obama. In his tweet, Falwell praised President Trump and his handling of the coronavirus.

Falwell has now decided to reopen Liberty University to the students, while Virginia schools remain closed over the coronavirus spread. reports – In an interview Sunday night, Falwell said somewhere between several hundred to more than 5,000 students are expected to live in campus dorms, where they will continue coursework online rather than in classrooms.

Meanwhile, hundreds of professors and instructors without a valid health exemption will come to campus to hold office hours.

“I think we have a responsibility to our students — who paid to be here, who want to be here, who love it here — to give them the ability to be with their friends, to continue their studies, enjoy the room and board they’ve already paid for and to not interrupt their college life,” Falwell said.

Falwell’s decision leaves Liberty as an outlier among the scores of colleges and universities across the country that have shut down to help limit the spread of the disease known as COVID-19.

“I think we, in a way, are protecting the students by having them on campus together,” Falwell said. “Ninety-nine percent of them are not at the age to be at risk and they don’t have conditions that put them at risk.”

According to the most recent data provided by the CDC, while 29% of people who tested positive for coronavirus were aged 20–44 years, less than 1% of people between the ages of 20–54 years have died from coronavirus, and no fatalities have been reported among persons less than 19 years old.

Radical Newsweek reporter Seth Abramson disregards all statistics for coronavirus and how it affects college-age students. In his tweet, Abramson “wonders if criminal penalties for Falwell Jr. should be considered if and when that totally foreseeable tragedy happens.” The Newsweek columnist and attorney doesn’t mention the crime Falwell Jr. is committing, just that he should be a candidate for criminal prosecution.

Barack Obama’s former head of Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare, totally disregards the scientific evidence that proves healthy college-age kids and younger, are the least likely to die from coronavirus, and tells Reverend Jerry Falwell Jr., “it’s okay to believe in God AND science.

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