During campaign appearances across Texas, Joe Biden has been spewing rhetoric and falsehoods left and right.

His latest is a claim he found GOP votes for Obamacare.

Biden spoke about bringing people together to pass legislation in a bipartisan manner. The problem is that he made a false claim when he said he brought people together to pass Obamacare.

He’s trying to make the case that President Trump hasn’t been able to bring people together to pass legislation, but what he doesn’t tell you is that the obstructionist Democrats have been the reason for so much that hasn’t gotten done in Congress.

Who would vote for this guy? Does he not remember that Obamacare was shoved down the throats of every American, whether they liked it or not?

The fact is that there were zero Republican Senators or Congressmen who voted for Obamacare.

Biden also lied about what President Trump said in his speech announcing his candidacy for president in 2016:


Biden is trying to slip the lies past the people, but people like the protester above are calling him out.

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