President Trump ripped into PBS News Hour reporter Yamiche Alcindor today during his Rose Garden press conference about the coronavirus crisis. This reporter is constantly needling the president with biased, grandstanding questions (see previous reports below). She’s a political hack activist reporter who isn’t at the press conference to ask questions. She just wants to make a statement with her question. Watch below as Alcindor tries to get at President Trump. He’s not having it.

“Why don’t you act in a little more positive way, it’s always trying to ‘getcha.’ ‘getcha-getcha’…”

“That’s why nobody trusts the media anymore…Be nice.”

A second question was about the networks wanting to skip the daily press conference from President Trump:

“Your approval ratings have been the highest they’ve ever been, as well as the ratings on your handling of the virus. Yet there are some networks that are saying they are debating whether or not to carry these briefings live. Do you think there is a link between the two?”

President Trump has had run-ins with the PBS News Hour reporter before today:

He jumped all over Yamiche Alcindor at a press conference when he got another ridiculous question:

During a 2018 press conference, Yamiche Alcindor started by identifying herself as a “reporter” with PBS News Hour. Instead of a question, Alcindor used her time to instead, level a regurgitated, tired, and unproven allegation of racism against President Trump and his supporters.

Here’s how the exchange went down.

Alcindor: On the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist. Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists. Now people are also saying…”

Trump interrupted: I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.

Alcindor continued: There’s some people say that now the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric. What do you make of that?

Trump: Oh, I don’t believe that. I don’t know. Why do I have my highest poll numbers ever with African Americans? Why do I have among the highest poll numbers with African Americans? I mean—why do I have my highest poll numbers? That’s such a racist question! Honestly, I mean, I know you have it written down, and you’re gonna tell me…

Trump continued: You know what the word is? I love our country. You have nationalists, and you have globalists. I also love the world, and I don’t mind helping the world, but we need to straighten out our country first, we have a lot of problems.

Alcindor, who didn’t like that President Trump disproved her narrative, attempted to interrupt again.

Clearly frustrated, Trump responded: Excuse me, but to say that is very insulting to me. It’s a very terrible thing that you said.

Alcindor, who clearly had an agenda, attempted to get more time to get her activist talking points across.


Alcindor took to Twitter to proudly post a clip of her activism. In her post, she attempted to pretend that she was “simply asking the question the public wants to know.”

Sorry, Yamiche, but the “public” and the “Left” are not the same things.


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