Two Major League Baseball pitchers for the Los Angeles Dodgers Clayton Kershaw and Blake Treinen have condemned their team’s decision to re-invite an anti-Catholic hate group to their annual Pride Night to receive a “Community Hero Award.”

Clayton Kershaw (left) and Blake Treinen (right)

The LA Dodgers will hold their annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16, during which they will be presenting a group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI) with an award. This anti-Catholic hate group is comprised of drag queens masquerading as offensive caricatures of nuns.

Not only do they dress in sexualized perversions of religious garb but, this past Easter Sunday, the group carried a cross up a hill in San Francisco, mimicked the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, then performed a pole dance on the cross.

This vile desecration of the Catholic faith is not the only stunt they have pulled, nor will it be their last.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

However, somehow it has been deemed appropriate to honor the members of this group for “the lifesaving work that they have done tirelessly for decades,” as put by the LA Dodgers in a recent statement.

While the LA Dodgers initially withdrew their invitation to SPI after Catholics spoke out against the decision, the woke LGBTQ community bullied the MLB organization into re-inviting them again.

In response to this, the team’s starting pitcher Clayton Kershaw spoke out against his team’s decision to honor SPI during their Pride Night.

Clayton Kershaw, pitcher for the LA Dodgers

“I don’t agree with making fun of other people’s religions,” Kershaw stated to the Los Angeles Times. “It has nothing to do with anything other than that. I just don’t think that, no matter what religion you are, you should make fun of somebody else’s religion. So, that’s something that I definitely don’t agree with.”

In response to the Dodgers honoring SPI, Kershaw had the idea to relaunch the Dodgers’ Christian Faith and Family Day this year, which was last held in 2019.

“For us, we felt like the best thing to do in response was, instead of maybe making a statement condemning or anything like that, would be just to instead try to show what we do support, as opposed to maybe what we don’t, and that was Jesus,” Kershaw said. “So, to make Christian Faith Day our response is what we felt like was the best decision.”

Blake Treinen, another pitcher on the LA Dodgers, released a statement condemning the team’s decision to honor SPI during Pride Night.

Blake Treinen, pitcher for the LA Dodgers

He wrote, “I am disappointed to see the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence being honored as heroes at Dodger Stadium. Many of their performances are blasphemous, and their work only displays hate and mockery of Catholics and the Christian faith.”

“[I]nviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to perform disenfranchised a large community and promotes hate of Christians and people of faith,” Treinan added. “The fans do not want propaganda or politics forced on them. The debacle with Bud Light and Target should be a warning to companies and professional sports to stay true to their brand and leave the propaganda and politics off the field.”

“This group openly mocks Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of my faith, and I want to make it clear that I do not agree with nor support the decision of the Dodgers to ‘honor’ the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” Treinen concluded.

Full statement from Blake Treinen, pitcher for the LA Dodgers

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