Freshman Democrat Representative Haley Stevens (MI) took to the House floor to offer what can only be explained as a bizarre rant over the coronavirus spread across the United States. Although she’s supported Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi and her radical agenda, including voting for the impeachment of President Trump, Stevens, a Democrat, who represents a formerly Republican district in Michigan, has remained mostly under the radar since arriving in D.C.

Today, during a vote on the House floor to push through the $2 trillion relief package, intended to help Americans who are suffering from the financial crisis spawned by the spread of the Chines coronavirus in America, Rep. Haley Stevens put on quite a show. The bill should’ve been passed at the beginning of the week, but lawmakers were forced to go back to the drawing board when Democrats tried to turn it into a radical wish list,

Watch as the freshman lawmaker ignores repeated warnings that her time is up, as she raises her voice, holding her hands up for everyone to see her pink latex gloves. The lawmaker appears to be so caught up in screaming the script she brought to the House floor, that even when she is given an extra 30 seconds by fellow Democrat Steny Hoyer who yielded his time to her, she appears not to notice. Stevens continued to shout, as she waving her latex gloves, demanding that she wasn’t looking for attention. Stevens screamed, “Similar times of medical need. Wars and flues past. You will see darkness, you will be pushed, and our society needs you to stand together at this time. Our country loves you. To our doctors and nurses, I wear these latex gloves to tell every American to not be afraid.” She continued, as the gavel slammed, “The gentlelady from Michigan is out of order!” and The gentlelady from Michigan is no longer recognized, ” can be heard, as Stevens can be heard ranting in the background.


At a time when Americans are looking to their leadership to offer calm, Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI) instead, offered panic and high anxiety.

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