Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff has spent the last couple of days lying and misleading the American people during the Senate impeachment hearings about a variety of issues. For the most part, moderate GOP Senators have allowed him to get away with it—until yesterday, when the dishonest California Democrat “Shifty Schiff” crossed a line that he will likely live to regret.

OANN reporter Alex Salvi tweeted a video of the unhinged Democrat Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee telling one of the biggest whoppers of the day, based on a CBS report by an anonymous source, that President Trump warned GOP Senators that if they voted against him in the Senate impeachment trials, that their heads “will be on a pike.” Schiff admitted that he didn’t know if it was true, but he said it anyway, repeating it several times.

At least 3 moderate GOP Senators revealed their disgust for Schiff and his outrageous lie.

The fallout over Schiff’s ridiculous lie will likely be devastating for the Democrats who desperately needed four votes from GOP Senators to call wittnesses, as they grasp at straws to remove Trump from office before the 2020 election.

Yahoo News reports – After that remark, the generally respectful mood in the Senate immediately changed. Republicans across their side of the chamber groaned, gasped and said, “That’s not true.” One of those key moderate Republicans, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, looked directly at Schiff, shook her head and said, “Not true.”

“Not only have I never heard the ‘head on the pike’ line,” Collins said in a statement, “but also I know of no Republican senator who has been threatened in any way by anyone in the administration.”

Hearing the Republican protests, and with an eye toward Collins, Schiff paused and said: “I hope it’s not true. I hope it’s not true.”

But Republicans were already put off.

“That’s when he lost me,” Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican moderate, said about Schiff’s remark, according to her spokeswoman. She denied having been told what the network reported about the White House. Schiff’s invocation of it, she added, ”was unnecessary.”

Collins, another moderate who is up for reelection this year, is one of the few Republican senators who has expressed an openness to calling witnesses in the impeachment trial.

She had been listening intently to Schiff’s presentation and writing down some of his points. When he made the “pike” comment, she looked directly at Schiff and slowly and repeatedly shook her head back and forth. When he finished his speech and the trial adjourned, GOP Sens. John Cornyn of Texas and John Barrasso of Wyoming made a beeline for her seat. Collins again shook her head and said, “No.”

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., told reporters that the CBS report is “completely, totally false.”

“None of us have been told that,” he added. “That’s insulting and demeaning to everyone to say that we somehow live in fear and that the president has threatened all of us.”

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