While everyone is in crisis mode and trying to work together, the Democrats are doing everything they can to profit politically from the coronavirus pandemic. Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats are suddenly pushing for mail-in-voting and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) is trying to get some money for the “black and brown community” she says is suffering more than anyone:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted out an unbelievable claim demanding that black and brown people get coronavirus “reparations” since their communities are most affected.

“COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities. Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions. Inequality is a comorbidity. COVID relief should be drafted with a lens of reparations.” – AOC

AOC also slammed Governor Andrew Cuomo and criticized colleagues on Capitol Hill for ignoring the poor.

Perhaps AOC should pay attention to what’s going on in Queens:

Unbelievable Video Shows Park Full of People in Astoria, Queens NY…NY is the Epicenter of Coronavirus

Christopher Keelty took a video of a park in Astoria, Queens, NY where people were everywhere like it was a normal day.

Keelty wrote:

“So NYC is the epicenter of #COVID19 in the US, with hospitals on the verge of collapse and morgues overflowing. Queens is the hardest-hit borough. Here’s the teach at Astoria Park, in Queens, right now.”

Is it any wonder that Queens, NY is one of the hardest-hit places?


. Is it any wonder that New York is a hot spot for coronavirus? This has nothing to do with the color of your skin.

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