Senator Ted Cruz gets to the heart of the lies and fraud at the FBI when they went to the FISA court to get approval:

Senator Ted Cruz: “A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement to the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?”

Inspector General Horowitz: “That’s correct. That’s what occurred”

This lawyer STILL works (see below) at the FBI!

The lawyer who altered evidence is the man who texted “Viva La Resistance”…no bias here

Another stunning point made by Senator Ted Cruz points out that a private citizen would be prosecuted for doing what the FBI lawyer did:

Senator Ted Cruz: “If a private citizen… fabricated evidence and reversed what it said, in your experience, would that private citizen be prosecuted for fabricating evidence.”

 IG Horowitz: “They certainly would be considered for that.”

FYI: The lawyer who created fraudulent evidence still works for the FBI:

IG Horowitz testified FBI case agent who misled DOJ re Carter Page’s prior cooperating role w the CIA–otherwise exculpatory evidence in FISA wiretap process–is STILL WORKING at the FBI, along with other agents cited for misconduct. Why? “You’ll have to ask director Wray.”

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