Thank goodness members of the border patrol are speaking up and telling the truth about what’s going on at the border. We need more of that! Art Del Cueto let it rip on anyone who calls the border patrol “Nazis”…You’ll really like the video below if you’re just as FED UP as we are with people bashing these guys:

Art Del Cueto went into detail about how young women are given birth control pills because families know they may be sending their daughters on a perilous journey were sexual abuse is a possible risk.

Then, he dug into the name-calling that has been directed at border patrol agents — with some even being called Nazis.

Daily Caller reports:

“It is sickening that certain members of the media have chosen to attack border patrol agents, and describe us as a Nazis. That is disgusting that you would even think that. I don’t know where that even comes from,” Del Cueto said.

He added, “Agents that I know that I have worked with, myself included, go to the field numerous times with our own food that we buy, toys, clothes, everything else, so we can assist to these people we arrest of the border. To compare us to Nazis as a whole new low. That is the most disgusting thing.”

Then, he took a turn to destroy the narrative surrounding the president and immigration policies.


To judge by a recent Rasmussen poll, the media needs to step up its absurd and fraudulentseparated children propaganda barrage. Most people still aren’t thinking correctly:

When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54% of Likely U.S. Voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 35% believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law. …

Fifty-four percent (54%) agree with President Trump when he says, “The United States will not be a migrant camp. And it will not be a refugee-holding facility – it won’t be.”

Only 54%. Not long ago, it would have been 99%. Propaganda blitzes won’t be needed if we could just tilt the demographics a little further to the left with a few dozen million more illegal aliens.

Only 37% say they want to live in a sanctuary community that protects illegal immigrants from federal immigration authorities.

Nonetheless, if current trends continue we will soon reach a tipping point, and the whole country will be a sanctuary community. No one except our future socialist rulers will like the results when the combination of open borders, the explosive fecundity of the Third World, and our extravagantly generous welfare state inevitably leads to economic collapse.


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