White House Trade and Manufacturing Policy Director Peter Navarro let it rip at the daily Coronavirus Task Force press briefing with a very important message for all Americans:

We’re not going to be dependent on foreign countries for medicines and medical supplies anymore. His entire message below is fantastic. America First!

“One of the things this crisis has taught us, sir, is we are dangerously over-dependent on a global supply chain for our medicines like penicillin our supplies like masks and our medical equipment like ventilators.

“No matter how many treaties you have, no matter how many alliances, no matter how many phone calls when push comes to shove, you run the risk as a nation of not having what you need.”

America First!

Navarro had mentioned this dependency recently when describing an executive order from President Trump, putting America first to bring back the production of medicines and medical supplies to our homeland.

White House Trade and Manufacturing Policy Director Peter Navarro joined Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Trump administration’s effort to move U.S. dependency on China for health and pharmaceutical products back to America. President Trump will be signing an Executive Order to move production of the healthcare products and pharmaceuticals back to America (see below).

90% of America’s antibiotics are produced in China!

Navarro asks the key question of why “for four administrations this has happened” that “critical items are produced in China.”

“I hold criticism for another day in terms of why for four administrations this has happened. So many of our important critical items are produced in China.”

“Let’s say let’s skate to where the pucks got to be, which is to have our resources on domestic soil. We have an executive order that we’re racing to the finish line. We could sign it as early as the end of this week. It’s a three-pronged strategy consistent with what President Trump has done from the get-go in terms onshoring jobs…it’s buy American it’s deregulate and it’s innovate technology the buy American issue.”


Navarro also commented today on this EO to bring the supply chain back to the US from China:

Trump’s “Buy American” Executive Order: End Medical Supply Chain Reliance On China:

The latest move by the Trump administration is long overdue and supports the policy of the administration to put America first. Americans have been flabbergasted to learn during the coronavirus crisis that most of the medical supplies in the US are made in China. It’s hard to believe but 90% of our antibiotics are made in China.

It’s time to bring the manufacturing of those supplies back to the US, and this administration is moving fast to make it happen.

During a meeting with senators yesterday, President Donald Trump and his team discussed moving production of medical supplies back to the US.

Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has been a big proponent of moving away from production in China and tweeted out his request to President Trump:

“At yesterday’s lunch, I asked @POTUS to support our efforts to invest in diversifying our supply chain, especially in pharmaceuticals & medical equipment. He agreed & his team led by Peter Navarro are also working on an EO to help address this.”

White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro confirmed today that the Trump administration is working on a very important executive order called the “Buy American” order aimed at stopping the government’s reliance on foreign-made medical supplies.

Navarro had this to say about how China is dominating the supply chain:

“China has managed to dominate all aspects of the supply chain using the same unfair trade practices that it has used to dominate other sectors…cheap sweatshop labor, lax environmental regulations, and massive government subsidies. As President Trump has said, what we need to do is bring those jobs home so that we can protect the public health and the economic and national security of the country.”

This is fantastic news and can’t happen fast enough. Would you be willing to pay a little more for a product if it meant producing it in the US?



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