We have previously reported on the sinister infiltration of Disney by hyper-woke Marxists, producers who fantasize about throwing “MAGA” children in wood chippers, and proven pedophiles at their highest echelons.

We also noted that they silence, shame, and fire anyone in their company if they are not a woke globalist while brainwashing people with banal slogans like “the future is female.”  Yet, they unceremoniously fired real life MMA multi-year champion female, Gina Carano who is a hero for millions around the world from her MMA days and her years afterward in the film industry, including the latest Star Wars series, The Mandalorian.

They also continue to hire people who believe every Trump supporter is a White Supremacist.

It is important to note that Disney doesn’t just own Disney.  They also own Hulu, Disney+, ESPN, Star Wars, Fox (films, not news), and Marvel.  Their corporate media empire knows almost no bounds.  Nor does their anti-American woke globalism.  For several years now, they have accelerated the descent of all their properties into hyper-woke critical race theory politics as fast as possible.  This includes editing their own properties and theme park rides to suit the ever shifting themes of Critical Race Theory.  It has alienated many fans, causing dramatic drop in park attendance and ticket sales as people have become aware.

Even their shareholders have become openly fed up at their live shareholder meetings.

But Disney does not care about these ‘short term’ losses.

They simply kick Trump supporters out of their parks these days and support their hosts telling white people to “Shut the hell up!” and openly give Christians the middle finger.

Despite the increasing pushback against their authoritarian shift and its resulting loss of revenue, Disney is so wealthy that it simply continues barreling down the path of Critical Race Theory revolution.  Instead of caring about its Western fans, it has its eyes set in the distance on China and the The Great Reset, where it aims to be high atop the media heap, producing propaganda for the new autocratic global society of billions.  America be damned in their minds.

LeBron James

To that end, it has been announced that LeBron James will be hired as a producer for an upcoming project, “Turning The Tables With Robin Roberts.”  We are certain he will fit right in at Disney.

Lebron appeared to openly threaten the life of officer Nicholas Reardon in a twitter comment in late April.

Reardon, a Columbus Ohio police officer shot and killed Ma’Khia Bryant as she was in the process of attempting to stab another female, saving the other females life in the process.  Instead of praising Reardon for acting so swiftly against a black on black crime situation to save a black person’s life, issues the statement “YOU’RE NEXT,” a very ominous and vague threat of some kind. (We blacked out the officer’s face; LeBron did not.  This is likely in an attempt to dox him and bring Twitter’s most unhinged lunatics to harm him)

Perhaps LeBron is unaware that the woke Critical Race Theory foray that Disney is taking is likely just a stepping stone to the complete racist authoritarianism of the Chinese variety.  If he knew this, he would understand that Disney routinely marginalizes their black actors in properties in China, which has a decidedly racist society that shuns black people.

Bounding Into Comics Reports:

In a press release, Disney describes the show as a “four-episode series featuring intimate round table conversations with female celebrities from all walks of life.”

They add, “In each episode, Roberts sits down with three famous women who share experiences that are both personal and moving. As the show’s title suggests, the guests often “turn the tables” and interview Roberts and each other in heartfelt and often humorous conversations that showcase authenticity and vulnerability.”

Great.  A show hosted by a famous person about famous people with famous people as guests produced by a famous person.  Sounds completely relatable and normal.  This is definitely what America needs more of, right?

Guests on the show will include Debbie Allen, Sofia Carson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jenna Dewan, Sheila E., Melissa Etheridge, Mickey Guyton, Betsey Johnson, Billie Jean King, Tig Notaro, Raven-Symoné and Josie Totah.

Do you see any conservatives (or even moderates?) on that list, or is this just another Hollywood exercise in excess, showcasing how wonderful every Hollywood leftist is for merely existing?

Roberts stated, “This project is very personal to me, and I’m proud to bring it to Disney+. The guests we’ve assembled are an amazing group of women who have all achieved great success in their various careers.”

“Although they represent different age groups and backgrounds, they were all willing to open up and share their unique stories with honesty and humor. I welcome viewers to come along with me on this journey as we learn about the importance of expressing vulnerability and connecting with others,” she added.

Different backgrounds?  They are all showbiz elites who have never led normal adult lives.  And they are produced by one of the wealthiest (and clueless) sports superstars on the planet who has a long history of hating white people, America, and cops.

Will this show possibly relate to any normal human being or is it a propaganda tool to humanize only one-side of the conversation so you continue to sympathize with terrible ideas that are tearing this country apart?

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