We recently reported on the Biden’s monstrous $1.9 trillion dollar Covid relief bill, which they seek to make recurring. We noted that it has almost NOTHING to do with Covid relief or helping normal people and everything to do with paying off failing far-left states like New York, California, and Illinois while devaluing your currency as you are kept unemployed under government mandated Covid stipends and restrictions.  Do they really care about the environment and have your best interests at heart or is something more nefarious and orchestrated going on?

FILE PHOTO: Democratic U.S. presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden thrusts his fist while answering questions from reporters during a campaign event in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 30, 2020. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo

These people admit to creating energy policies to skyrocket prices in order to intentionally “break you.” while they buy up everything  and gorge themselves on cheeseburgers.

We also reported on the 11,000 jobs that Joe Biden murdered with the stroke of a pen in order to push a woke green agenda.

But this was all just the opening act.  The show must go on.

KFIY Acadiana Reports:

LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) – Louisiana officials say the state’s oil and gas industry is in danger.

This comes after President Joe Biden cancelled a March oil lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. Nearly 80 million acres of available leases would have been sold this week.

The damage to Louisiana’s oil and gas companies started in January when President Biden signed an executive order banning all new oil and gas leases on public land and waters for 60 days.

“Right now I think we’re still pretty much in the holding pattern. It was a 60-day ban, and he was going through relook at it, the president,” Louisiana Oil and Gas Association President Mike Moncla said.

Moncla says their worst fear was that the president would extend that ban past 60 days.

He says as the 60-day ban comes closer to its end, President Biden isn’t easing restrictions.

He’s enforcing new ones, cancelling the 80-million-acre Gulf of Mexico oil lease sale that was scheduled for March 17 in New Orleans.

“It would kill our state. It would kill workers,” Moncla added. “It would kill jobs, and it would be a terrible thing.”

Moncla says all they can do now is wait.

“We’re hoping that Governor Edwards’ letter may have talked some sense into the president and that he won’t extend that 60 days,” he told News Ten.

Moncla says the Gulf of Mexico supports 250,000 jobs between Louisaiana, Texas, and Mississippi and 98,000 Louisiana jobs offshore.

In fact, due to Biden’s January energy policy, Biden had already put an astonishing 200,000 Louisian jobs on the chopping block:

Over 200,000 people in the oil and gas industry in Louisiana are at risk of losing their jobs, industry leaders say.

This comes after President Joe Biden signed an executive order Wednesday banning all new oil and gas leases on public land and waters.

“I’m not going to bubble wrap this. This is bad. This is really bad,” Louisiana Senator John Kennedy said.

Senator Kennedy is one of many Louisiana leaders fighting against the executive order President Biden signed Wednesday.

The order suspends any new oil and gas drilling on public land and off-shore waters.

That includes the Gulf of Mexico.

Such policies will inevitably and intentionally cause the price of energy to skyrocket.  You may have noticed the enormous increase in gasoline prices since November.  That is no accident.  Predictions rightly suggest gasoline will be at $4.00 per gallon by this summer due to Biden’s intentionally deleterious energy policy.  He knows it will crush American families, but–remember, that is the whole point.  These sociopaths seek nothing less than the beaking of the united and individualist American will.

KFIY continues:

“I can’t imagine anything right now in the middle of a coronavirus when our economy is shut down. I can’t imagine much that would be worse for Louisiana families,” Senator Kennedy added.

Over 90% of Louisiana’s oil and gas comes from the Gulf of Mexico, and President Biden’s executive order could halt all drilling in the gulf, according to the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association.

“If we get banned offshore, that’s going to be a really big blow to the state,” LOGA Interim President Mike Moncla told News Ten.

Not only will Louisiana lose $95 million in annual revenue, Moncla says this could cost up to 240,000 oil and gas workers their jobs in Louisiana as well.

“One out of every nine Louisianans work in the oil and gas business, so it’s a huge, huge blow to our state,” Moncla added.

“This is not going to just impact oil and gas jobs and families. This is going to hurt petrol chemical. It’s going to hurt our refineries. This is going to cause people to leave our state,” Senator Kennedy said.

Right now, oil and gas companies in the Gulf of Mexico can continue drilling, but once their lease runs out, all production will be forced to come to a halt.

“There aren’t words in English for me to tell you how bad this is going to be for our state,” Senator Kennedy said.

Wednesday Senator Kennedy introduced the Conservation Funding Protection Act, a bill to reverse President Biden’s executive order. If it’s passed, Kennedy says it will take away the president’s power to ban oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Without jobs or affordable reliable energy, the people of America will be unable to afford to own anything and be fully at the mercy of government to set prices, freedoms, and income for everyone.

Sound familiar?


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