
LIBERAL NIGHTMARE! HUNDREDS OF VOTERS WITHDRAW Registrations As States Comply With Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission [VIDEO]

LIBERAL NIGHTMARE! HUNDREDS OF VOTERS WITHDRAW Registrations As States Comply With Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission [VIDEO]

Jul 12, 2017

MORE WINNING! After 14 Year Ban, China Welcomes Back US Beef To Their Multibillion-Dollar Market

MORE WINNING! After 14 Year Ban, China Welcomes Back US Beef To Their Multibillion-Dollar Market

Jul 12, 2017

BREAKING: Michigan Native KID ROCK Announces He’s Running For US Senate

BREAKING: Michigan Native KID ROCK Announces He’s Running For US Senate

Jul 12, 2017

MAINE DEMOCRAT Congressman Makes DEATH THREAT Against President Trump...Calls Trump Supporters A**holes, Dumb F**ks

MAINE DEMOCRAT Congressman Makes DEATH THREAT Against President Trump...Calls Trump Supporters A**holes, Dumb F**ks

Jul 12, 2017

GRASSLEY DEMANDS ANSWERS ON TRUMP JR SETUP: Russian Lawyer Tied to DNC Firm...Who Allowed Russian Lawyer Into US After Denied Visa Entry? [Video]

GRASSLEY DEMANDS ANSWERS ON TRUMP JR SETUP: Russian Lawyer Tied to DNC Firm...Who Allowed Russian Lawyer Into US After Denied Visa Entry? [Video]

Jul 12, 2017

DETROIT SCHOOLS CHIEF Wants To Shut Down Charter Schools Ranked “Best In The State” To Focus On Public Schools Ranked “Worst Urban School District In Country”

DETROIT SCHOOLS CHIEF Wants To Shut Down Charter Schools Ranked “Best In The State” To Focus On Public Schools Ranked “Worst Urban School District In Country”

Jul 11, 2017

CHICAGO: 20-YR-OLD MUSLIM WOMAN Drops Baby To Death From 8th Floor Apartment Window...Judge Sentences Her To 4 Years Probation

CHICAGO: 20-YR-OLD MUSLIM WOMAN Drops Baby To Death From 8th Floor Apartment Window...Judge Sentences Her To 4 Years Probation

Jul 11, 2017

WOW! RUSSIAN LAWYER Who Met With Donald Trump Jr. Seen In Photo With Person Tied To Obama Only 8 Days After Meeting

WOW! RUSSIAN LAWYER Who Met With Donald Trump Jr. Seen In Photo With Person Tied To Obama Only 8 Days After Meeting

Jul 11, 2017

WATCH: ONE WOMAN Reports The Weather In Sweden, The Other In Iraq...What’s Wrong With This Picture?

WATCH: ONE WOMAN Reports The Weather In Sweden, The Other In Iraq...What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Jul 11, 2017

WATCH: MSNBC Cuts Mic Of GOP Senator Lindsey Graham When He Brings Up Hillary’s Campaign  During Interview About Donald Trump Jr.

WATCH: MSNBC Cuts Mic Of GOP Senator Lindsey Graham When He Brings Up Hillary’s Campaign During Interview About Donald Trump Jr.

Jul 11, 2017

#YouveBeenTrumped...Journalist Who Tried To Nail Donald Trump Jr. On Russia Story For Over A Year Has Full-Scale Meltdown After Trump Jr. Releases Emails On Twitter

#YouveBeenTrumped...Journalist Who Tried To Nail Donald Trump Jr. On Russia Story For Over A Year Has Full-Scale Meltdown After Trump Jr. Releases Emails On Twitter

Jul 11, 2017

DONALD TRUMP JR. Releases Emails Related To Russian Lawyer Meeting...Here Are The Nothing Burger Emails The Media Was Salivating Over

DONALD TRUMP JR. Releases Emails Related To Russian Lawyer Meeting...Here Are The Nothing Burger Emails The Media Was Salivating Over

Jul 11, 2017

TEEN VOGUE Publishes Article To Teach Teen Girls How To Have Anal Sex: “ANAL 101, for teens, beginners”

TEEN VOGUE Publishes Article To Teach Teen Girls How To Have Anal Sex: “ANAL 101, for teens, beginners”

Jul 11, 2017

IS WASHINGTON POST INCITING VIOLENCE Against Fox News’ Hosts: “Kill Fox & Friends before it’s too late”

IS WASHINGTON POST INCITING VIOLENCE Against Fox News’ Hosts: “Kill Fox & Friends before it’s too late”

Jul 10, 2017

DAVID LETTERMAN Offers Advice To Crybaby Comrades: “Stop Whining...Figure Out A Way To Remove Trump”

DAVID LETTERMAN Offers Advice To Crybaby Comrades: “Stop Whining...Figure Out A Way To Remove Trump”

Jul 10, 2017

#LockHimUp Former Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz: If Comey’s Leaked Memos Contained Classified Information, He Should Have Handcuffs On And Go To Jail

#LockHimUp Former Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz: If Comey’s Leaked Memos Contained Classified Information, He Should Have Handcuffs On And Go To Jail

Jul 10, 2017

KELLYANNE CONWAY Slaps Down Rabid CNN Host Chris Cuomo: “Aren’t you the least bit embarrassed that you now talk about Russia more than you talk about America?” [VIDEO]

KELLYANNE CONWAY Slaps Down Rabid CNN Host Chris Cuomo: “Aren’t you the least bit embarrassed that you now talk about Russia more than you talk about America?” [VIDEO]

Jul 10, 2017

TRUMP HATER, Comedian-Actor George Lopez Says President Trump Should “DEPORT THE POLICE” To Make Streets Safer...Leads Audience In Anti-Trump Chant “F**k That Puto (male whore)” [VIDEO]

TRUMP HATER, Comedian-Actor George Lopez Says President Trump Should “DEPORT THE POLICE” To Make Streets Safer...Leads Audience In Anti-Trump Chant “F**k That Puto (male whore)” [VIDEO]

Jul 10, 2017

PERFECT! President Trump Is Laughing Hysterically In HILARIOUS New Video Featuring CNN Logo As Jim Carrey In “LIAR LIAR” Movie

PERFECT! President Trump Is Laughing Hysterically In HILARIOUS New Video Featuring CNN Logo As Jim Carrey In “LIAR LIAR” Movie

Jul 10, 2017

NEW YORK TIMES Publishes FAKE Story About Donald Trump Jr...Makes Small Retraction At Bottom Of Page

NEW YORK TIMES Publishes FAKE Story About Donald Trump Jr...Makes Small Retraction At Bottom Of Page

Jul 10, 2017

Syrian Refugee Receives RIDICULOUS Sentence For Trafficking 13 and 14-Yr Old Girls While On Bail For Raping 17-Yr Old

Syrian Refugee Receives RIDICULOUS Sentence For Trafficking 13 and 14-Yr Old Girls While On Bail For Raping 17-Yr Old

Jul 10, 2017

NEW BOMBSHELL REPORT Shows DNC Emails Were Copied On East Coast ONLY 5 DAYS Before SETH RICH Murder...Disproves Russian Hacking Theory

NEW BOMBSHELL REPORT Shows DNC Emails Were Copied On East Coast ONLY 5 DAYS Before SETH RICH Murder...Disproves Russian Hacking Theory

Jul 10, 2017

23 YR-OLD “FEMALE” ANTIFA THUG Charged With Stabbing Harrisburg Police Horse In Neck With Nail [VIDEO]

23 YR-OLD “FEMALE” ANTIFA THUG Charged With Stabbing Harrisburg Police Horse In Neck With Nail [VIDEO]

Jul 9, 2017

FOX News MOCKS MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Who Actually Said “Big Story” of G20 Was How Far President Trump and Putin Spread Their Legs [VIDEO]

FOX News MOCKS MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Who Actually Said “Big Story” of G20 Was How Far President Trump and Putin Spread Their Legs [VIDEO]

Jul 9, 2017

CNN CAUGHT LYING AGAIN... This Time, About “Peaceful” Protests in Hamburg [VIDEO]

CNN CAUGHT LYING AGAIN... This Time, About “Peaceful” Protests in Hamburg [VIDEO]

Jul 9, 2017

POPE FRANCIS Worries USA Has “Distorted Vision Of The World”

POPE FRANCIS Worries USA Has “Distorted Vision Of The World”

Jul 9, 2017

VIDEO SHOWS Stunning Damage To Streets Of Historic Hamburg After SOROS’ ANTI-CAPITALISM Cockroaches Cleared Out Of G20 [VIDEO]

VIDEO SHOWS Stunning Damage To Streets Of Historic Hamburg After SOROS’ ANTI-CAPITALISM Cockroaches Cleared Out Of G20 [VIDEO]

Jul 9, 2017

WATCH: PRESIDENT TRUMP RETRIEVES MARINE’S HAT and Places it Back on His Head After it Blows Off... Oorah! [Video]

WATCH: PRESIDENT TRUMP RETRIEVES MARINE’S HAT and Places it Back on His Head After it Blows Off... Oorah! [Video]

Jul 9, 2017

CHILLING PHOTO Captures FEMALE SUICIDE BOMBER Carrying Baby Moments Before She Blows Both Of Them Up

CHILLING PHOTO Captures FEMALE SUICIDE BOMBER Carrying Baby Moments Before She Blows Both Of Them Up

Jul 9, 2017

OOPS! DINESH D’SOUZA Points Out Something That’s Missing In Photo With #WannabePresident Obama And Baby At Airport

OOPS! DINESH D’SOUZA Points Out Something That’s Missing In Photo With #WannabePresident Obama And Baby At Airport

Jul 8, 2017

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS APPLAUD HITLER SPEECH Given by Undercover Trump Supporter at #ResistTrump Rally [Video]

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS APPLAUD HITLER SPEECH Given by Undercover Trump Supporter at #ResistTrump Rally [Video]

Jul 8, 2017

SERIOUSLY INJURED Cop Sues Black Lives Matter...Does He Have A Case?

SERIOUSLY INJURED Cop Sues Black Lives Matter...Does He Have A Case?

Jul 8, 2017

HILARIOUS! CNN President Jeff Zucker Is Hitler [VIDEO]

HILARIOUS! CNN President Jeff Zucker Is Hitler [VIDEO]

Jul 8, 2017

MELANIA AND IVANKA SHINE: Steal the Show at G20 Summit...Lefty Media Questions Ivanka’s Role As Surrogate

MELANIA AND IVANKA SHINE: Steal the Show at G20 Summit...Lefty Media Questions Ivanka’s Role As Surrogate

Jul 8, 2017

GLOBALIST COMMIE BILL DE BLASIO Abandons NYC for G20 Protests...Will Phony de Blasio aka Warren Wilhelm Jr. Get in Touch with his German Roots?

GLOBALIST COMMIE BILL DE BLASIO Abandons NYC for G20 Protests...Will Phony de Blasio aka Warren Wilhelm Jr. Get in Touch with his German Roots?

Jul 8, 2017

BROOKLYN MOTHER OF THREE Doesn’t Work Because She’s “Proudly Raping The Government”...No, She’s Raping The Taxpayers!

BROOKLYN MOTHER OF THREE Doesn’t Work Because She’s “Proudly Raping The Government”...No, She’s Raping The Taxpayers!

Jul 8, 2017