
IT BEGINS: Wisconsin Company First in US to Implant Microchips in Employees

IT BEGINS: Wisconsin Company First in US to Implant Microchips in Employees

Jul 24, 2017

ART CONTEST WINNER Disqualified for Being a Trump Supporter...What Happened to the “Tolerant” and “Accepting” Left?

ART CONTEST WINNER Disqualified for Being a Trump Supporter...What Happened to the “Tolerant” and “Accepting” Left?

Jul 23, 2017

SCARAMUCCI ON WH LEAKS: “If you’re going to keep leaking, I’m going to fire everybody.” [VIDEO]

SCARAMUCCI ON WH LEAKS: “If you’re going to keep leaking, I’m going to fire everybody.” [VIDEO]

Jul 23, 2017

Illinois: Muslim Refugee Who Wanted to “Bury Unbelievers Alive” and Kill Infidels Invokes Unusual Defense

Illinois: Muslim Refugee Who Wanted to “Bury Unbelievers Alive” and Kill Infidels Invokes Unusual Defense

Jul 23, 2017

WOW! VIDEO EMERGES Of Hillary Clinton Admitting Foreign Leaders Contacted Her During Campaign, Discussed How They Could “Stop Donald Trump”

WOW! VIDEO EMERGES Of Hillary Clinton Admitting Foreign Leaders Contacted Her During Campaign, Discussed How They Could “Stop Donald Trump”

Jul 23, 2017

WATCH: 94-Yr Old PEARL HARBOR SURVIVOR Donald Stratton Fights Back Tears As He Thanks President Trump For Bringing USA Together Again

WATCH: 94-Yr Old PEARL HARBOR SURVIVOR Donald Stratton Fights Back Tears As He Thanks President Trump For Bringing USA Together Again

Jul 23, 2017

84-YR OLD TWINS, VIETNAM WAR VETS, and Nazi Occupation Survivors Find Themselves Living On Streets After Losing Home To Foreclosure...Then A Miracle Happens

84-YR OLD TWINS, VIETNAM WAR VETS, and Nazi Occupation Survivors Find Themselves Living On Streets After Losing Home To Foreclosure...Then A Miracle Happens

Jul 23, 2017

NEW WH COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: I’ll Bring CNN a Box of Kleenex When Trump Wins in 2020 [VIDEO]

NEW WH COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: I’ll Bring CNN a Box of Kleenex When Trump Wins in 2020 [VIDEO]

Jul 23, 2017

MUSLIM LEADER Defends Child Marriage: “Should be spreading the culture of early marriage.” [Video]

MUSLIM LEADER Defends Child Marriage: “Should be spreading the culture of early marriage.” [Video]

Jul 23, 2017

HORRIFIC Human Trafficking Case: 8 PEOPLE FOUND DEAD, 38 Locked Inside Tractor-Trailer Outside Walmart...No A/C...101 Degrees [VIDEO]

HORRIFIC Human Trafficking Case: 8 PEOPLE FOUND DEAD, 38 Locked Inside Tractor-Trailer Outside Walmart...No A/C...101 Degrees [VIDEO]

Jul 23, 2017

NYC MAYOR DE BLASIO Blasted by Queens Woman...He Runs Away! [Video]

NYC MAYOR DE BLASIO Blasted by Queens Woman...He Runs Away! [Video]

Jul 23, 2017

HILARIOUS!  Leonardo DiCaprio Is “Outed” As Climate Change Hypocrite, Forced To Do The Unimaginable

HILARIOUS! Leonardo DiCaprio Is “Outed” As Climate Change Hypocrite, Forced To Do The Unimaginable

Jul 22, 2017

MAXINE WATERS: ‘These people trying to ‘discredit’ me [Video]

MAXINE WATERS: ‘These people trying to ‘discredit’ me [Video]

Jul 22, 2017

HERO! OLDER CUSTOMER Goes WWE With a Chair on Gun-Wielding Masked Starbucks Robber [Video]

HERO! OLDER CUSTOMER Goes WWE With a Chair on Gun-Wielding Masked Starbucks Robber [Video]

Jul 22, 2017

FULL SPEECH: PRESIDENT TRUMP AT COMMISSIONING OF USS GERALD R. FORD: “A ship is only as good as the people who serve on it — and the AMERICAN SAILOR is the BEST in the world.” [VIDEO]

FULL SPEECH: PRESIDENT TRUMP AT COMMISSIONING OF USS GERALD R. FORD: “A ship is only as good as the people who serve on it — and the AMERICAN SAILOR is the BEST in the world.” [VIDEO]

Jul 22, 2017

MEDIA SILENT: President Trump Makes Americans $4 TRILLION Richer In First 6 Months...Compare To Obama’s Radical First 6 Months In Office

MEDIA SILENT: President Trump Makes Americans $4 TRILLION Richer In First 6 Months...Compare To Obama’s Radical First 6 Months In Office

Jul 22, 2017

NED RYUN ON WHITE HOUSE LEAKS: “This is not whistleblowing. This is weaponizing classified info to undermine a duly-elected President” [Video]

NED RYUN ON WHITE HOUSE LEAKS: “This is not whistleblowing. This is weaponizing classified info to undermine a duly-elected President” [Video]

Jul 22, 2017

CLEAR DISCRIMINATION: SNAP Still Gives Preference to Illegals Over American Citizens

CLEAR DISCRIMINATION: SNAP Still Gives Preference to Illegals Over American Citizens

Jul 22, 2017

LIBERAL HACK KATIE COURIC Says Fake News Is “Tearing [America] Apart”...Doesn’t Mention $12 MILLION Dollar Lawsuit Against Her For Producing Edited Story To Push Gun Control [VIDEO]

LIBERAL HACK KATIE COURIC Says Fake News Is “Tearing [America] Apart”...Doesn’t Mention $12 MILLION Dollar Lawsuit Against Her For Producing Edited Story To Push Gun Control [VIDEO]

Jul 22, 2017

BILL NYE ‘The Old People Must Die’ Guy

BILL NYE ‘The Old People Must Die’ Guy

Jul 22, 2017

KID ROCK’S INTERVIEW With Piers Morgan Sheds Light On Why Democrats Fear His Run For U.S. Senate [VIDEO]

KID ROCK’S INTERVIEW With Piers Morgan Sheds Light On Why Democrats Fear His Run For U.S. Senate [VIDEO]

Jul 22, 2017

Lunatic MSNBC Reporter: “A paper trail leads directly back to Mike Pence—Pence knew Michael Flynn was a foreign agent”

Lunatic MSNBC Reporter: “A paper trail leads directly back to Mike Pence—Pence knew Michael Flynn was a foreign agent”

Jul 22, 2017

LIVE: PRESIDENT TRUMP Participates in the Commissioning of the USS Gerald R. Ford

LIVE: PRESIDENT TRUMP Participates in the Commissioning of the USS Gerald R. Ford

Jul 22, 2017

JEH JOHNSON JUST ADMITTED HE BROKE FED IMMIGRATION LAW: Claims Trump ‘Scared Off’ Illegal Aliens with ‘Rhetoric’

JEH JOHNSON JUST ADMITTED HE BROKE FED IMMIGRATION LAW: Claims Trump ‘Scared Off’ Illegal Aliens with ‘Rhetoric’

Jul 22, 2017

HORRIBLE! MINNEAPOLIS COP’S ATTORNEY Wants Autopsy Of Australian Victim To See If On Ambien

HORRIBLE! MINNEAPOLIS COP’S ATTORNEY Wants Autopsy Of Australian Victim To See If On Ambien

Jul 21, 2017

HEARTWARMING VIRAL VIDEO Shows Navy Seal Standing To Embrace, Kiss His Wife For First Time

HEARTWARMING VIRAL VIDEO Shows Navy Seal Standing To Embrace, Kiss His Wife For First Time

Jul 21, 2017

MINNESOTA SCHOOLS Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners

MINNESOTA SCHOOLS Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners

Jul 21, 2017

HYSTERICAL! Maxine Waters for POTUS? “Oh no! We don’t elect poverty pimps!” [Video]

HYSTERICAL! Maxine Waters for POTUS? “Oh no! We don’t elect poverty pimps!” [Video]

Jul 21, 2017

RADICAL UNHINGED TEACHER Finally Arrested and Charged in California [Video]

RADICAL UNHINGED TEACHER Finally Arrested and Charged in California [Video]

Jul 21, 2017

WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA WON’T SHOW YOU: NEW White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci  Explains Why He Once Called Trump A “Hack” [VIDEO]

WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA WON’T SHOW YOU: NEW White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci Explains Why He Once Called Trump A “Hack” [VIDEO]

Jul 21, 2017

UPDATE ON CHARGES: TEENS TAUNT DROWNING MAN: ‘Ain’t nobody fixing to help you, you dumb f**k.’ [Video]

UPDATE ON CHARGES: TEENS TAUNT DROWNING MAN: ‘Ain’t nobody fixing to help you, you dumb f**k.’ [Video]

Jul 21, 2017

SEAN SPICER Fires Off Tweet After Resignation as Media Speculation Explodes

SEAN SPICER Fires Off Tweet After Resignation as Media Speculation Explodes

Jul 21, 2017

WATCH: TRUMP SUPPORTER DESTROYS “Ghetto” McDonald’s Worker Who Refused To Serve Cop In Virginia

WATCH: TRUMP SUPPORTER DESTROYS “Ghetto” McDonald’s Worker Who Refused To Serve Cop In Virginia

Jul 21, 2017

Muslim Activists Running for Office in Key States...Is THIS The “Fundamental Transformation”?

Muslim Activists Running for Office in Key States...Is THIS The “Fundamental Transformation”?

Jul 21, 2017

JOHN MCCAIN ATTACKS President Trump From Hospital Bed Only Days After Brain Cancer Diagnosis

JOHN MCCAIN ATTACKS President Trump From Hospital Bed Only Days After Brain Cancer Diagnosis

Jul 21, 2017

SIX AFRICAN TEENS DISAPPEAR After Visiting U.S. for Robotics Competition

SIX AFRICAN TEENS DISAPPEAR After Visiting U.S. for Robotics Competition

Jul 21, 2017