Leisa Audette

Black Voter Stands Against Justin Amash at Town Hall in Support of President Trump: “He’s doing such a good job...” [Video]

Black Voter Stands Against Justin Amash at Town Hall in Support of President Trump: “He’s doing such a good job...” [Video]

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Mueller for His Sly Push For Impeachment [Video]

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Mueller for His Sly Push For Impeachment [Video]

Joe diGenova Unloads on Mueller’s Parting Shot to Trump: “We are in a Civil War in this Country”

Joe diGenova Unloads on Mueller’s Parting Shot to Trump: “We are in a Civil War in this Country”

Dem Alan Dershowitz Scorches Robert Mueller: “Until today, I have defended Robert Mueller...”

Dem Alan Dershowitz Scorches Robert Mueller: “Until today, I have defended Robert Mueller...”

Nadler Makes Fake Claims Pushing Trump Impeachment...Claims Mueller “Said What He Had To Say” [Video]

Nadler Makes Fake Claims Pushing Trump Impeachment...Claims Mueller “Said What He Had To Say” [Video]

New Democrat Leader Justin Amash Calls For Trump’s Impeachment After Mueller’s Remarks...Trump’s Response is Priceless

New Democrat Leader Justin Amash Calls For Trump’s Impeachment After Mueller’s Remarks...Trump’s Response is Priceless

CNN’s Jim Acosta Finally Admits He’s Not A Reporter: “Neutrality doesn’t serve us in the age of Trump”

CNN’s Jim Acosta Finally Admits He’s Not A Reporter: “Neutrality doesn’t serve us in the age of Trump”

Spot On! Voter Weighs in on Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign: “He’s the fluffy old guy.”

Spot On! Voter Weighs in on Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign: “He’s the fluffy old guy.”

Biden Has Another “Odd Moment”: “I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.” [Video]

Biden Has Another “Odd Moment”: “I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.” [Video]

PERFECT! Great Video of President Trump and First Lady Melania Returning to the White House On Marine One [Video]

PERFECT! Great Video of President Trump and First Lady Melania Returning to the White House On Marine One [Video]

FORMER IRANIAN MP REPORTS: “Obama Gave Us $1.7 Billion With $400 Million In Cash In Suitcases” [Video]

FORMER IRANIAN MP REPORTS: “Obama Gave Us $1.7 Billion With $400 Million In Cash In Suitcases” [Video]

BRAVO! Patriots Player Ben Watson Slams Alyssa Milano’s Abortion ‘Lie’ [Video]

BRAVO! Patriots Player Ben Watson Slams Alyssa Milano’s Abortion ‘Lie’ [Video]

America, We Dodged A Bullet! Hillary Wears A Muumuu To Memorial Day Parade

America, We Dodged A Bullet! Hillary Wears A Muumuu To Memorial Day Parade

Mark Levin Slams CNN “Clowns” For Saying Trump Isn’t Tough On North Korea [Video]

Mark Levin Slams CNN “Clowns” For Saying Trump Isn’t Tough On North Korea [Video]

BOOM! CEO of Camping World Responds to NC City’s Demand to Take His American Flag Down [Video]

BOOM! CEO of Camping World Responds to NC City’s Demand to Take His American Flag Down [Video]

Rep. Ilhan Omar Supporters Chant at Black Conservative Veteran That “Right Wing Bigots Have Got To Go” [Video]

Rep. Ilhan Omar Supporters Chant at Black Conservative Veteran That “Right Wing Bigots Have Got To Go” [Video]

“Large portions of America need to really wake up...” Dan Bongino Backs Up Liz Cheney’s Claim Of Treason By Obama’s Key Intel Leaders [Video]

“Large portions of America need to really wake up...” Dan Bongino Backs Up Liz Cheney’s Claim Of Treason By Obama’s Key Intel Leaders [Video]

Crowd Goes Wild When 96-Year-Old WWII Vet Plays The National Anthem On His Harmonica [Video]

Crowd Goes Wild When 96-Year-Old WWII Vet Plays The National Anthem On His Harmonica [Video]

Trump Calls For Change In Laws After NY Prof Tweets False “Kinda Plausible” Trump Quote That Went Viral

Trump Calls For Change In Laws After NY Prof Tweets False “Kinda Plausible” Trump Quote That Went Viral

Judge Who Let A Criminal Illegal Alien Escape Turns Down Plea Deal

Judge Who Let A Criminal Illegal Alien Escape Turns Down Plea Deal

TIME “Journalist” Tweets Out Fake Trump Quote Then Justifies It As “Kinda Plausible”

TIME “Journalist” Tweets Out Fake Trump Quote Then Justifies It As “Kinda Plausible”

Fake News Alert! Hillary Spreads Lie That Trump Tweeted “Sexist Trash” Video of Pelosi   [Video]

Fake News Alert! Hillary Spreads Lie That Trump Tweeted “Sexist Trash” Video of Pelosi [Video]

Fierce Candace Owens Demolishes Far Left Cornel West in The Debate of The Week [Video]

Fierce Candace Owens Demolishes Far Left Cornel West in The Debate of The Week [Video]

Our Open Border and The Coming Perennial Power of Democrats If This State Turns Blue

Our Open Border and The Coming Perennial Power of Democrats If This State Turns Blue

Just In: Gruesome Discovery in Long Island Nature Preserve Part of MS-13 Crime Spree

Just In: Gruesome Discovery in Long Island Nature Preserve Part of MS-13 Crime Spree

Soldier Braves a Torrential Storm to Honor The Unknown Soldier: “Jaw Dropping”

Soldier Braves a Torrential Storm to Honor The Unknown Soldier: “Jaw Dropping”

Darwin Award: Two Men Try To Jump Over Drawbridge in a Chevy Cruze

Darwin Award: Two Men Try To Jump Over Drawbridge in a Chevy Cruze

The Murder of Beautiful Grandmother Etta Nugent was 100% Preventable...Her Killer is in the U.S. Illegally

The Murder of Beautiful Grandmother Etta Nugent was 100% Preventable...Her Killer is in the U.S. Illegally

Rep. Mark Meadows On Declassifying The Russia Investigation: “There Is Information Coming That Will Curl Your Hair”

Rep. Mark Meadows On Declassifying The Russia Investigation: “There Is Information Coming That Will Curl Your Hair”

President Trump Greets Jubilant Troops During His Stopover In Alaska [Video]

President Trump Greets Jubilant Troops During His Stopover In Alaska [Video]

“Excuse Me!”...President Trump Calls Out Reporter for “Fake News” Question About Nancy Pelosi [Video]

“Excuse Me!”...President Trump Calls Out Reporter for “Fake News” Question About Nancy Pelosi [Video]

JUST IN: Obama Admin Spied On Opponents Of Iran Deal and Pro-Israel Organizations

JUST IN: Obama Admin Spied On Opponents Of Iran Deal and Pro-Israel Organizations

REP ILHAN OMAR Bashes ‘Religious Right’ as ‘Hypocrites” on Pro-Life Agenda [Video]

REP ILHAN OMAR Bashes ‘Religious Right’ as ‘Hypocrites” on Pro-Life Agenda [Video]

REP MATT GAETZ: Why Brennan, Clapper and Comey Are All In Jeopardy [Video]

REP MATT GAETZ: Why Brennan, Clapper and Comey Are All In Jeopardy [Video]

Sara Carter: Exposing Obama’s UN Ambassador Samantha Power “Is Going to Change Everything” [Video]

Sara Carter: Exposing Obama’s UN Ambassador Samantha Power “Is Going to Change Everything” [Video]

BREAKING: President Trump Just Called On The DOJ To Declassify Intel On 2016 Spying On Trump’s Campaign

BREAKING: President Trump Just Called On The DOJ To Declassify Intel On 2016 Spying On Trump’s Campaign