Patty McMurray

‘Bama Coach Nick Saban Responds to a Veteran on National Anthem Protests...Is College Next?

‘Bama Coach Nick Saban Responds to a Veteran on National Anthem Protests...Is College Next?

WHOA! DID OPRAH JUST THROW Her Hat In The Ring To Challenge Donald Trump In 2020?

WHOA! DID OPRAH JUST THROW Her Hat In The Ring To Challenge Donald Trump In 2020?

MELANIA FIRES BACK At Disgusting Liberal Librarian Who Called Her Gift Of Books To Students “RACIST”

MELANIA FIRES BACK At Disgusting Liberal Librarian Who Called Her Gift Of Books To Students “RACIST”

WAY TO GO! Sarah Sanders Shuts Down Black Reporter Trying to Make Anthem Protest About Race [Video]

WAY TO GO! Sarah Sanders Shuts Down Black Reporter Trying to Make Anthem Protest About Race [Video]

Saudi Man Threatens Backlash Over New Law Allowing Women Drivers: ‘I will burn her and her car’

Saudi Man Threatens Backlash Over New Law Allowing Women Drivers: ‘I will burn her and her car’

WATCH: OFFICER WHO CRASHED Motorcycle While Escorting Trump Motorcade Gets Unexpected Call From The President…Here’s What Trump Said That Made Him Smile

WATCH: OFFICER WHO CRASHED Motorcycle While Escorting Trump Motorcade Gets Unexpected Call From The President…Here’s What Trump Said That Made Him Smile

NEW VIDEO…ANTIFA Terror Group INFILTRATED…Transgender Leader: Use “Knives To Stab” Opponents…Have “AK-47’s Ready” To Shut Down Free Speech

NEW VIDEO…ANTIFA Terror Group INFILTRATED…Transgender Leader: Use “Knives To Stab” Opponents…Have “AK-47’s Ready” To Shut Down Free Speech

Jared Kushner NEVER Registered To Vote As A “Female”…Media Lie BACKFIRES…Shines Bright Light On How Easily Voter Fraud Can Occur

Jared Kushner NEVER Registered To Vote As A “Female”…Media Lie BACKFIRES…Shines Bright Light On How Easily Voter Fraud Can Occur

NEW NRA AD Features Former Navy Seal Speaking Out On NFL Anthem Protest: “I stand for my brothers who can’t stand anymore” [Video]

NEW NRA AD Features Former Navy Seal Speaking Out On NFL Anthem Protest: “I stand for my brothers who can’t stand anymore” [Video]

Hey Packers and Bears: We Don’t Lock Arms for the National Anthem! [Video]

Hey Packers and Bears: We Don’t Lock Arms for the National Anthem! [Video]

LOL! ONE HILARIOUS CARTOON Perfectly Illustrates How Embarrassingly Politically Correct The NFL Has Become

LOL! ONE HILARIOUS CARTOON Perfectly Illustrates How Embarrassingly Politically Correct The NFL Has Become

NFL PLAYERS: ‘If kneeling bothers you, don’t come to the game’ [Video]

NFL PLAYERS: ‘If kneeling bothers you, don’t come to the game’ [Video]

ACTOR JAMES WOODS DESTROYS Leftist TIME For Article Suggesting U.S. LIED About N. Korea Torturing Otto Warmbier Who Died After Returning In A Coma

ACTOR JAMES WOODS DESTROYS Leftist TIME For Article Suggesting U.S. LIED About N. Korea Torturing Otto Warmbier Who Died After Returning In A Coma

GOLD STAR PARENTS Confront Black Activist Spike Lee Over NFL Flag Kneelers [Video]

GOLD STAR PARENTS Confront Black Activist Spike Lee Over NFL Flag Kneelers [Video]

ANGRY GREEN BAY PACKERS Fans and Owners Lash Out After QB Aaron Rogers Asks Fans To Join Players In Protest Against Cops

ANGRY GREEN BAY PACKERS Fans and Owners Lash Out After QB Aaron Rogers Asks Fans To Join Players In Protest Against Cops

STEELERS PLAYER Gives Surprise Statement On Anthem Before Sunday’s Game

STEELERS PLAYER Gives Surprise Statement On Anthem Before Sunday’s Game

WOW! LEFTIST LIBRARIAN REJECTS Shipment Of Children’s Books Donated By Melania Trump…Her Reason For Rejecting The Books Is DISGUSTING!

WOW! LEFTIST LIBRARIAN REJECTS Shipment Of Children’s Books Donated By Melania Trump…Her Reason For Rejecting The Books Is DISGUSTING!

ANGRY LEFTIST CAUGHT On VIDEO Stealing Student’s Trump Hat…DEMANDS School Makes Him Stop Wearing Hat: “F*** your f***ing freedom of speech, boy!”

ANGRY LEFTIST CAUGHT On VIDEO Stealing Student’s Trump Hat…DEMANDS School Makes Him Stop Wearing Hat: “F*** your f***ing freedom of speech, boy!”

Sports Bar Owner Bans NFL Games...Will Show Only ‘True American’ Sports: ‘I’d like to speak for rural America’ [Video]

Sports Bar Owner Bans NFL Games...Will Show Only ‘True American’ Sports: ‘I’d like to speak for rural America’ [Video]

Harvard Islamic Studies Prof Dragged Off Flight By Police: ‘I’m a professor!’ [Video]

Harvard Islamic Studies Prof Dragged Off Flight By Police: ‘I’m a professor!’ [Video]

POWERFUL LETTER To Cowardly Steelers Coach Will Make You Want To Stand Up and Cheer: “You’ve taken something that unites Americans of every color, creed, and religion and managed to divide them”

POWERFUL LETTER To Cowardly Steelers Coach Will Make You Want To Stand Up and Cheer: “You’ve taken something that unites Americans of every color, creed, and religion and managed to divide them”

Watch Majority Whip Steve Scalise Return to Sanding Ovation on House Floor: ‘I’m back’ [Video]

Watch Majority Whip Steve Scalise Return to Sanding Ovation on House Floor: ‘I’m back’ [Video]

Why Networks Didn’t Show Booing NFL Fans In The Stands [Video]

Why Networks Didn’t Show Booing NFL Fans In The Stands [Video]

LOL! SNARKY WHITE YAHOO Sports Writer TRASHES Black NHL Player P.K.Subban For Saying He’ll “Never Kneel During National Anthem” Because He Has “Too Much Respect For American Flag”

LOL! SNARKY WHITE YAHOO Sports Writer TRASHES Black NHL Player P.K.Subban For Saying He’ll “Never Kneel During National Anthem” Because He Has “Too Much Respect For American Flag”

REVEALED: OOPS! Russian Ads Facebook’s Zuckerberg Turned Over To Congress Was Supporting HILLARY and Another Radical Leftist Group

REVEALED: OOPS! Russian Ads Facebook’s Zuckerberg Turned Over To Congress Was Supporting HILLARY and Another Radical Leftist Group

‘Far Too Sacred’ LFL Weighs In On NFL Kneeling Protest...An Option To Watching The NFL?

‘Far Too Sacred’ LFL Weighs In On NFL Kneeling Protest...An Option To Watching The NFL?

Shocking Report: Mind Blowing Cost of Illegals Is Highest Ever...Numbers Released Show Huge Burden To States [Video]

Shocking Report: Mind Blowing Cost of Illegals Is Highest Ever...Numbers Released Show Huge Burden To States [Video]



Forever Bitter Michelle Obama Tries To Shame Women Who Voted For Trump [Video]

Forever Bitter Michelle Obama Tries To Shame Women Who Voted For Trump [Video]

Feminist Group Gifts Students $5K to ‘Fight The Patriarchy’

Feminist Group Gifts Students $5K to ‘Fight The Patriarchy’

MICHIGAN STATE POLICE CHIEF Under Fire For Sharing Meme On Social Media About NFL Players Anti-Cop Movement

MICHIGAN STATE POLICE CHIEF Under Fire For Sharing Meme On Social Media About NFL Players Anti-Cop Movement

Bill O’Reilly On Hannity: Reveals Who Threatened Them If They Had The Interview [Video]

Bill O’Reilly On Hannity: Reveals Who Threatened Them If They Had The Interview [Video]

AMERICA’S OLDEST Suit Manufacturer Drops NFL Ads: “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”

AMERICA’S OLDEST Suit Manufacturer Drops NFL Ads: “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”

Is This Dem Senator Switching Parties? Calls Out NFL Owners In Player Protest: ‘Right thing to do’ [Video]

Is This Dem Senator Switching Parties? Calls Out NFL Owners In Player Protest: ‘Right thing to do’ [Video]

BREAKING NEWS: Controversial ALABAMA GOP Senate Primary Race Winner Announced

BREAKING NEWS: Controversial ALABAMA GOP Senate Primary Race Winner Announced

WATCH: SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN Tells TMZ Sports Reporter He’s Okay With NFL Players Disrespecting Our Flag

WATCH: SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN Tells TMZ Sports Reporter He’s Okay With NFL Players Disrespecting Our Flag